Wasn't suspending it until the bailout deal got passed?When did John McCain un-suspend his campaign?
Did his campaign ever got off the ground?When did John McCain un-suspend his campaign?
He has stayed in Washington and has not been on the campaign trail while Congress was in session.
He gambled and lost.
He never proclaimed it being unsuspended....I guess it's still in suspension he just isn't sticking to his word
He had to get back on the trail for the debate Friday night.
McCain will win in November
He said...but obviously he never suspended his campaign so he couldn't un-suspend it.
Sarah was still out talking. Commericials were still running. His campaign workers were still working.
He was just sitting in Washington pretending to be helping with something he had no real part in. He wasn't on the committee working on the bail out. He just inserted election politics into the bail out plan.
he completely forgot he even suspended it. poor ol coot.
His tactical ';strategies'; didn't work matter fact back fire. Great wisdom %26amp; judgment
America is not Stupid as He thinks we are just because we allowed 30 years of mediocrity doesn't mean we will repeat it 8 more years Again
Vote Obama/Biden 08
source ex-Republican
Friday, February 12, 2010
How Much Did You Enjoy Your First ';Campaign Ad Free'; Day in God Knows How Long?
Did even the hemorrhoid commercials seem a welcome change? lolHow Much Did You Enjoy Your First ';Campaign Ad Free'; Day in God Knows How Long?
LOL... Enjoyable.
LOL... Enjoyable.
Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
He already said it may take me more than one term to deliver on what I told you I would do. Well, there you go...
If you believe that, i have a bridge that you may want to buy...Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
He has not even been inaugurated and already running for his second term...the arrogant ambition this guy has is shameless. He has no scruples.Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
hey mate..you name one President that has delivered on there policies that they have promised?? None of them. Obama will be the same and so would have McCain.
However, Obama needed to be elected to tell the world that America does not have an apatheid electoral background. Also, McCain would have made Iraq worse and lost more international friendships due to the Iraq controversy which in turn would have made America's economy worse off. I am Australian and America relies on international trade and borrowing to keep its treasury afloat.
I believe that Obama just focusing on the national economy will bring you guys out of recession. The only reason why you guys are in recession is because of your failed policies in the banking sector as well as in the international arena in which McCain was going to bring back anyway.
First, i congratulate Obama on his success.
People at school are saying ';Hey, i bet 10 days until he is assassinated.';
a) Sympathy Votes. He got alot of them due to his grandmother whom he was close with passing away.
b) Without being racist, alot of ';Black Votes.'; How many black people in USA want to see a black person as president for the first time?
c) There is a chance he will be killed before his first term is over. There are so many white-supremacists in USA, its ridiculous.
I apologize to anyone I've offended with racist comments, I am not doing it intentionally.
I believe that he is just trying to give people what they want - and cutting a slice for himself. Why not give them what they want for a price? Vote him in for at least two terms. Blackmail, pure and simple.
I of course have no idea about american politics, i am a 14 year old australian.
I think that John McCain would've been alright, but we don't know enough about him. Obama has been in it sice the start. Hilary Clinton left it, and he came in. But still, we see more about Sarah Palin than about him.
Hope i've answered your question. I tend to rant.
Have you ever listened to his speaches? At every single one he says it wont be easy and wont be done quick, because Bush dug us in a deep hole. By the way, I was worried that McCain only wanted to run 1 term, because your not really hoping to change much in 1 term, though we know you can sure mess things up in 1 term dont we?
He's being realistic, and if anyone actually believed in all that glitter talk needs to go back to school. I just don't want a stubborn, belligerent, religious old man in the White House.
edit- What the ****, ';patriot'; got 7 thumbs up? Are people actually that ******* retarded? It seems I have credited the people on this forum too graciously with the titles such as ';vacuous, low-brow, or just plain stupid';
I believe it was McCain that said he would get the country out of debt in four years.Get off OBAMAS back give him a chance he deserves that much.It will probably take many years to get us back on the right track,remember BUSH or have you forgotten the eight years of H- - Lhe put all us through.
You're a pathetic excuse for an American pal!
The decent and honorable thing would be to say ';I supported the other candidate, but the majority of my fellow Americans voted for Obama so I'll do what I can to help him make my country a better place';
LOL! Barry already campaigning for a 2nd term. Well, he doesn't really know how to do anything in life but to seek promotions and offices. Now that he will actually have to show up to work and do something this will be a new world for him.
Let's be real, if people actually believed it would only take one term to fix our problems then people need a serious reality check.
We're still in debt, still behind in our education compared to other countries for many years, and other issues.
I could say the exact same thing for a lot of things that McCain has waffled on-- much more serious lies than a little reality check. McCain and his cronies have left a deep hole to dig out of. Can't fault Obama for asking for a huge shovel.
it's called being realistic.
change takes time.
i mean, look at it this way. 8 years have changed us a good bit, eh?
and it's going to take at least 4 years to move us back in the right direction.
and palin's the only one that's buying useless bridges, buddy.
What that bridge in Alaska that a Republican decided on?
So not only did Republicans vote in Bush, but you guys are sore losers as well. At least McCain's speech was decent.
You lost. Just suck it up, and give the man a chance!
Anybody with a brain knows that its going to take more than one term to clean up all of Bush's crap and for him to keep his promises. He's being realistic. Just be happy that this country has finally done something right.
Oh Babby.. A Change We DID!!!
+############### ++++ +++++###########+
How is he back sliding? He never gave a specific time frame in which to get our economy back in good standing. Do you realize how MUCH damage has been done by the previous administration and how much work and time that will take to repair?
He is being realistic. He knows everybody wants everything right now and they want it their way. Well it is not going to happen overnight. It took a few years to get like this.
I think republicans need to stop being sore losers... the election was won by a huge margin fair and square...
unlike the narrow republican victories we have faced... well one narrow victory and another one attributed to cheating...
During his ENTIRE campaign he said it would take a long time to turn the country around. He never said he'll do it in 1 term.
He's simply laying the groundwork for future presidents.
i was never for obama..i knew right from the start he wouldnt be able to deliver all he said...not without taxing us more.
america does need change.
but obama isnt the man to do it.
I need a new bridge, ha ah ah you McCain lovers are all the same, cheer up, youve had 8 good years now time to step aside, BTW what color is the bridge, I need it in white.
Oh get over it and move on. 2008 is done, Obama will be president, and you need to start thinking about 2012 for the sake of your own mental health.
Why don't you just keep you're negative thoughts to yourself...nobody cares about what you've got to say. Do you not understand the mess that is to be cleaned up after? Obviously not!
When did he ever say he could fix everything in one term?
America just voted Obama into office. If you don't like America maybe you should leave?
Would that be the bridge to Nowhere ?
You really need a girlfriend !
Patriot is really a Hate-Triot !
He is right! Bush's have left an almost pauper economy. He has to work hard to bring back back sanity to the economic system in US. Stand by him.
That's not backsliding. That's called common sense. We all knew that he could not accomplish everything, much less right away.
lol because every good president in history never, ever changed his stance. especially not bush. obviously we are all doomed.
Well, it would be foolish to assume that ANYONE could undo the Bush administration in one term.
Oh yeah cus you know mccain just just make every one of his promises happen in that instant right?
He's won.. get a life or move.
Aren't you glad impeachment is possible? Oh wait...he may just overturn that too!
na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye
let the good times roll
sore losers say bye to misery we're no longer its company
Obama 08 :-P
can you smell the change the winds have turned
If you believe that, i have a bridge that you may want to buy...Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
He has not even been inaugurated and already running for his second term...the arrogant ambition this guy has is shameless. He has no scruples.Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
hey mate..you name one President that has delivered on there policies that they have promised?? None of them. Obama will be the same and so would have McCain.
However, Obama needed to be elected to tell the world that America does not have an apatheid electoral background. Also, McCain would have made Iraq worse and lost more international friendships due to the Iraq controversy which in turn would have made America's economy worse off. I am Australian and America relies on international trade and borrowing to keep its treasury afloat.
I believe that Obama just focusing on the national economy will bring you guys out of recession. The only reason why you guys are in recession is because of your failed policies in the banking sector as well as in the international arena in which McCain was going to bring back anyway.
First, i congratulate Obama on his success.
People at school are saying ';Hey, i bet 10 days until he is assassinated.';
a) Sympathy Votes. He got alot of them due to his grandmother whom he was close with passing away.
b) Without being racist, alot of ';Black Votes.'; How many black people in USA want to see a black person as president for the first time?
c) There is a chance he will be killed before his first term is over. There are so many white-supremacists in USA, its ridiculous.
I apologize to anyone I've offended with racist comments, I am not doing it intentionally.
I believe that he is just trying to give people what they want - and cutting a slice for himself. Why not give them what they want for a price? Vote him in for at least two terms. Blackmail, pure and simple.
I of course have no idea about american politics, i am a 14 year old australian.
I think that John McCain would've been alright, but we don't know enough about him. Obama has been in it sice the start. Hilary Clinton left it, and he came in. But still, we see more about Sarah Palin than about him.
Hope i've answered your question. I tend to rant.
Have you ever listened to his speaches? At every single one he says it wont be easy and wont be done quick, because Bush dug us in a deep hole. By the way, I was worried that McCain only wanted to run 1 term, because your not really hoping to change much in 1 term, though we know you can sure mess things up in 1 term dont we?
He's being realistic, and if anyone actually believed in all that glitter talk needs to go back to school. I just don't want a stubborn, belligerent, religious old man in the White House.
edit- What the ****, ';patriot'; got 7 thumbs up? Are people actually that ******* retarded? It seems I have credited the people on this forum too graciously with the titles such as ';vacuous, low-brow, or just plain stupid';
I believe it was McCain that said he would get the country out of debt in four years.Get off OBAMAS back give him a chance he deserves that much.It will probably take many years to get us back on the right track,remember BUSH or have you forgotten the eight years of H- - Lhe put all us through.
You're a pathetic excuse for an American pal!
The decent and honorable thing would be to say ';I supported the other candidate, but the majority of my fellow Americans voted for Obama so I'll do what I can to help him make my country a better place';
LOL! Barry already campaigning for a 2nd term. Well, he doesn't really know how to do anything in life but to seek promotions and offices. Now that he will actually have to show up to work and do something this will be a new world for him.
Let's be real, if people actually believed it would only take one term to fix our problems then people need a serious reality check.
We're still in debt, still behind in our education compared to other countries for many years, and other issues.
I could say the exact same thing for a lot of things that McCain has waffled on-- much more serious lies than a little reality check. McCain and his cronies have left a deep hole to dig out of. Can't fault Obama for asking for a huge shovel.
it's called being realistic.
change takes time.
i mean, look at it this way. 8 years have changed us a good bit, eh?
and it's going to take at least 4 years to move us back in the right direction.
and palin's the only one that's buying useless bridges, buddy.
What that bridge in Alaska that a Republican decided on?
So not only did Republicans vote in Bush, but you guys are sore losers as well. At least McCain's speech was decent.
You lost. Just suck it up, and give the man a chance!
Anybody with a brain knows that its going to take more than one term to clean up all of Bush's crap and for him to keep his promises. He's being realistic. Just be happy that this country has finally done something right.
Oh Babby.. A Change We DID!!!
+############### ++++ +++++###########+
How is he back sliding? He never gave a specific time frame in which to get our economy back in good standing. Do you realize how MUCH damage has been done by the previous administration and how much work and time that will take to repair?
He is being realistic. He knows everybody wants everything right now and they want it their way. Well it is not going to happen overnight. It took a few years to get like this.
I think republicans need to stop being sore losers... the election was won by a huge margin fair and square...
unlike the narrow republican victories we have faced... well one narrow victory and another one attributed to cheating...
During his ENTIRE campaign he said it would take a long time to turn the country around. He never said he'll do it in 1 term.
He's simply laying the groundwork for future presidents.
i was never for obama..i knew right from the start he wouldnt be able to deliver all he said...not without taxing us more.
america does need change.
but obama isnt the man to do it.
I need a new bridge, ha ah ah you McCain lovers are all the same, cheer up, youve had 8 good years now time to step aside, BTW what color is the bridge, I need it in white.
Oh get over it and move on. 2008 is done, Obama will be president, and you need to start thinking about 2012 for the sake of your own mental health.
Why don't you just keep you're negative thoughts to yourself...nobody cares about what you've got to say. Do you not understand the mess that is to be cleaned up after? Obviously not!
When did he ever say he could fix everything in one term?
America just voted Obama into office. If you don't like America maybe you should leave?
Would that be the bridge to Nowhere ?
You really need a girlfriend !
Patriot is really a Hate-Triot !
He is right! Bush's have left an almost pauper economy. He has to work hard to bring back back sanity to the economic system in US. Stand by him.
That's not backsliding. That's called common sense. We all knew that he could not accomplish everything, much less right away.
lol because every good president in history never, ever changed his stance. especially not bush. obviously we are all doomed.
Well, it would be foolish to assume that ANYONE could undo the Bush administration in one term.
Oh yeah cus you know mccain just just make every one of his promises happen in that instant right?
He's won.. get a life or move.
Aren't you glad impeachment is possible? Oh wait...he may just overturn that too!
na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye
let the good times roll
sore losers say bye to misery we're no longer its company
Obama 08 :-P
can you smell the change the winds have turned
How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
Donna Brazile of the DNC called Bill Clinton a racist....Donna is the racist and should be fired from the DNC! CNN uses her as an analyst....their mistake. How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
Obama didn't call McCain a racist either. I do however see racist emails from McCain supporters everyday. Obama has every right to recognize that these attacks do exist from McCain supporters.
These are not attacks on the issues, these are racist attacks. Are you one of them hiding behind a question on Yahoo?How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
I can't wait til they realize he is a Native American....and a Union Member.....and all those things they claim to represent.
Obama didn't call McCain a racist either. I do however see racist emails from McCain supporters everyday. Obama has every right to recognize that these attacks do exist from McCain supporters.
These are not attacks on the issues, these are racist attacks. Are you one of them hiding behind a question on Yahoo?How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
I can't wait til they realize he is a Native American....and a Union Member.....and all those things they claim to represent.
My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
as well as this all the names for each class of guns in online have reset.................. this is a real loss as i am trying to get trophies for completing the game on hard difficulty, and each level of veteran.....
but my online stats are still fine?My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
Well your Call of Duty data should be saved on your hard drive in your console such as on Xbox 360. So it shouldn't be the game thats the problem.
Firstly, if you share your console make sure that no one is tampering with it or accidentally deleting your data.
Secondly when you play the campaign mode you shouldn't turn off your console, you should click the start button then press ';save and quit'; once you've done this you can then turn off your console .
Otherwise i'm not sure what to suggest, try looking in the game instruction booklet for the technical support phone number if they don't seem to be able to help return your game disc and get it replaced. But say theres a mechanical failure with it and that its not something you've caused or it could be hard to replaced.
Hope i can help you out mate, I love COD WaW its a great gameMy Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
The admin of this site can answer all questions you can go there and ask him about these games in comments he will surely answer that
but my online stats are still fine?My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
Well your Call of Duty data should be saved on your hard drive in your console such as on Xbox 360. So it shouldn't be the game thats the problem.
Firstly, if you share your console make sure that no one is tampering with it or accidentally deleting your data.
Secondly when you play the campaign mode you shouldn't turn off your console, you should click the start button then press ';save and quit'; once you've done this you can then turn off your console .
Otherwise i'm not sure what to suggest, try looking in the game instruction booklet for the technical support phone number if they don't seem to be able to help return your game disc and get it replaced. But say theres a mechanical failure with it and that its not something you've caused or it could be hard to replaced.
Hope i can help you out mate, I love COD WaW its a great gameMy Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
The admin of this site can answer all questions you can go there and ask him about these games in comments he will surely answer that
Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
I had three questions removed yesterday. One was about Rev Wright and the other two about the ';typical white person'; remark. Does Obama have stooges out there patrolling YA to remove any content that they don't like?Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes I think so too!
Several of my questions were also deleted. They were questions that didn't make Obama look good.Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes the censorship on YA is reaching new heights, a sign of things to come if America elects Obama. I had a lot of questions and answers taken down, I have never seen such censorship in America.
It's incredible that you can make that claim with a straight face. Do you not see all of the similar comments on here? If that were the case 75% of this stuff would not be on here.
no, it's not a conspiracy against you
there are rules about using YA
';Venting, ranting, or using hate speech.
Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers. Read more %26gt;';
It's not him, there are other forces behind that.
Just be careful what you write at all times.
YA owns the servers. And YA is competing with Google. To put YA higher in Google search engines it needs more ';information'; sites. Yahoo Answers is for real questions looking for real answers. If you are trying to just make a point with your ';question';, or start a discussion, (like this question we are in) then it can get deleted.
Try going to groups.yahoo instead. Thats what that is for.
It's a no-brainer that YOU need to watch your content in your posts and change your behavior.
That's so obvious to us, now you run with it. Keep control of your posts that they do not violate the guidelines, BRAIN.
yes they will violate you in a second
I suspect that you were following Hilary and that your posts were in fact racist. Questions are removed because they breach YA guidelines!!!
But do carry on trying to post as it does show that Hilary and her supporters are dragging politics from the gutter and into the sewer and taking Americas reputation with it.
All sensible Americans should now be shouting aloud ';ANYONE BUT HILARY';!!!!!
Yes I think so too!
Several of my questions were also deleted. They were questions that didn't make Obama look good.Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes the censorship on YA is reaching new heights, a sign of things to come if America elects Obama. I had a lot of questions and answers taken down, I have never seen such censorship in America.
It's incredible that you can make that claim with a straight face. Do you not see all of the similar comments on here? If that were the case 75% of this stuff would not be on here.
no, it's not a conspiracy against you
there are rules about using YA
';Venting, ranting, or using hate speech.
Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers. Read more %26gt;';
It's not him, there are other forces behind that.
Just be careful what you write at all times.
YA owns the servers. And YA is competing with Google. To put YA higher in Google search engines it needs more ';information'; sites. Yahoo Answers is for real questions looking for real answers. If you are trying to just make a point with your ';question';, or start a discussion, (like this question we are in) then it can get deleted.
Try going to groups.yahoo instead. Thats what that is for.
It's a no-brainer that YOU need to watch your content in your posts and change your behavior.
That's so obvious to us, now you run with it. Keep control of your posts that they do not violate the guidelines, BRAIN.
yes they will violate you in a second
I suspect that you were following Hilary and that your posts were in fact racist. Questions are removed because they breach YA guidelines!!!
But do carry on trying to post as it does show that Hilary and her supporters are dragging politics from the gutter and into the sewer and taking Americas reputation with it.
All sensible Americans should now be shouting aloud ';ANYONE BUT HILARY';!!!!!
Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
like are the people who donate campaign contributions considered to be lobbyists? or is it only if it's coming from a corporation with motives?Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Lobbying and campaign contributions are two different things, even though one company or special interest group may do both.Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Not technically, but may as well be.
Corporations (and corporate officers) should not be allowed to donate to the political process.
Lobbying and campaign contributions are two different things, even though one company or special interest group may do both.Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Not technically, but may as well be.
Corporations (and corporate officers) should not be allowed to donate to the political process.
Hi All Plz help me fine a campaign that will boost sales of a Affordable luxury car?
?? wht promotion will lead u to buy a car if it is nice car affordable and powerful and you have the money?Hi All Plz help me fine a campaign that will boost sales of a Affordable luxury car?
As someone who spent five years in the business of promoting both a typical automotive brand and a luxury automotive brand, allow me to say this: you're asking people on Yahoo! Answers to brainstorm campaign ideas? Between that fact, and the example of your writing that your question represents, I must assume (or at least hope) you are either an intern at an advertising agency (in which case you'll be handed your hat soon) or you're a student in a marketing class (in which case you're likely not getting good grades.)
So, with that assumption in place, here's what I recommend: Go out and expose yourself to automotive advertising campaigns in all available mediums. Learn from what works and what doesn't work in the real world. And remember this: when you ask consumers to design your ad campaigns (as you're doing here) all you're going to do is generate ad campaigns that consumers have already thought of, and so will be boring to them. That, or they'll say something that makes perfect sense but is actually not at all what they really want, because they're answering you with their head -- but your ad campaign is supposed to win over their heart.
As someone who spent five years in the business of promoting both a typical automotive brand and a luxury automotive brand, allow me to say this: you're asking people on Yahoo! Answers to brainstorm campaign ideas? Between that fact, and the example of your writing that your question represents, I must assume (or at least hope) you are either an intern at an advertising agency (in which case you'll be handed your hat soon) or you're a student in a marketing class (in which case you're likely not getting good grades.)
So, with that assumption in place, here's what I recommend: Go out and expose yourself to automotive advertising campaigns in all available mediums. Learn from what works and what doesn't work in the real world. And remember this: when you ask consumers to design your ad campaigns (as you're doing here) all you're going to do is generate ad campaigns that consumers have already thought of, and so will be boring to them. That, or they'll say something that makes perfect sense but is actually not at all what they really want, because they're answering you with their head -- but your ad campaign is supposed to win over their heart.
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
Where are the clothes? Why haven't we heard about a charity auction that was promised?
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
This shouldn't even be an issue. Our society is so focused on scrutinizing people for one thing that they have done more thinking about themselves than others.Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
One third of her clothes have been donated with the rest to be donated now.
those clothes will most likely never see a charity auction. Not before they get worn out anyway.
They donated them to me' I'm wearing her thong as I write this.
Yes, she doesn't need them anymore. But, YOU don't need
to know where and when and to whom.
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
This shouldn't even be an issue. Our society is so focused on scrutinizing people for one thing that they have done more thinking about themselves than others.Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
One third of her clothes have been donated with the rest to be donated now.
those clothes will most likely never see a charity auction. Not before they get worn out anyway.
They donated them to me' I'm wearing her thong as I write this.
Yes, she doesn't need them anymore. But, YOU don't need
to know where and when and to whom.
How many levels does the Halo 3 campaign mode have?
Nine.How many levels does the Halo 3 campaign mode have?
there should be 9 if I remember correctly
there should be 9 if I remember correctly
Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
I am running for office for my city. I have been receiving a lot of stuff in the mail. For example www.promoprintinggroup.com
If you know any one that can give a deal in New England or any reommendation that would be nice.Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
http://www.CustomInk.com will be good for shirts.Scooter
If you know any one that can give a deal in New England or any reommendation that would be nice.Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
http://www.CustomInk.com will be good for shirts.
Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
I have just installed Medieval Total War and the Viking Invasion expansion pack. I can play individual battles and the battle tutorial levels but everytime it tries to load the campaign mode or campaign tutorials it just closes down to my desktop. I have tried numerous times to reload it but it always closes down and my PC has all the specifications needed fo the game to function
Anybody have any ideas??Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Maybe the cd has been scratched try and wipe it re-install over again.Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Yeah that happens to me too! I've tried lots of things but it still doesn't work, it's so annoying. I thought that that only happened on my computer but I guess not.
Anybody have any ideas??Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Maybe the cd has been scratched try and wipe it re-install over again.Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Yeah that happens to me too! I've tried lots of things but it still doesn't work, it's so annoying. I thought that that only happened on my computer but I guess not.
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How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
Ok so if you were Hilary Clinton's campaign advisor, what would you tell her to do to improve her strategy as a front runner in the election...serious answers only!!! what should she focus on? what should she avoid? how can she win more states/voters? anything???How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
Her biggest campaigning problem in my opinion is she is always changing her approach. Obama has a pretty unified message about change that has sometimes been very effective, sometimes less effective, but he has kept with it for the most part and I think it's paid off for him. Hillary seems to be in constant change of what her message and main focus should be... some times she is in clear attack mode, some times she talks about experiences, sometimes change. And every couple of weeks she changes her slogans. For me, this technique makes her appear that she is constantly questioning herself and appears more desperate.
I think that if she would just ignore Obama, and focus on why we need a change of direction, she would do much better. She shouldn't mention his name, she shouldn't infer him, she shouldn't talk about how much experience she has. She should just focus on how we should transcend to the next century.
There has been a few times that she has done this, where it seems she is using Obama's speech herself, and I think that has been some of her most successful moments. She should just turn off the tv and play win or lose one solid technique... otherwise she really will loose. Betting on super delegates or Ohio and Pennsylvania in March are as logical as Gulliani betting in Florida as if momentum from the others would never effect the state.How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
I would tell her to send her Arkansas hit squad to run over Obama with a black van. That would solve the problem.
The problem is not the campaign manager. The problem is her chief strategist, Mark Penn. Penn devised a plan for Hillary to run on experience. That's why we all hear '; 35 years'; so often. But the young voters ( 19-29) and the independent voters don't care about experience... they want to hear anout the future. That's why they vote for Obama...that's a large part of his platform. Mark Penn is a large part off why she has lost some states.
Pray that Obama takes more debates so you can highlight the differences between you and him.
Go after his policy in a way that you really haven't. If you want to push the empty suit narrative, prove it.
Go on Yahoo Answers and post every 30 minutes about his middle name being Hussein. Sure, you come off looking crazy, but it'll be worth it!
Put duct tape over her mouth.
Attack Obama about were is the beef??? What does he stand for??
She should start saying The people need HELP not hope.
';kill Bill';, I think it was a movie but it sure wouldn't hurt her. She could use the same methods she used in the past to make it look like an accident. She would crank in the votes. Poor me, boo hoo with some more tears. My husband was killed by a crazed Obama fan, what an Obamination that is!
Well alot of people see her for what she is. And thats what her problem is. In her core she is a power hungry person who will use any and all methods to obtain that power.
You know planting people in speech audiences, changing positions on major issues when its politically convienient, pretending things about her self and what she has done that werent true and claiming things that hasnt done are true.
I think this is again a core part of her personality, its who she is. And I just do not want to have anything to do with that.
First lets look at the facts:
1. His supporters don't care about the truth.
2. You can not tell the truth on him or the media will go berserk.
3. The people who support him disregard any negative truths about him.
4. He is very good at winning caucus states
5. He has the Black vote.
Now, this is what Hillary needs to do: Forget about changing minds on Obama side. She needs to make sure her supporters get to the polls each and everyone of them. She needs to contact supporters in each community in Texas and Ohio and let the foot soldiers go door to door for her. She needs to cut ties with negative media that tries to turn her every word negative. It also needs to be know that whomever doesn't stand with her now will pay the price when she is President. She needs to work for every vote and make sure Obama does not win it outright, if she can steal Virginia or even make it a tight race. She will shut up many people because no one can hear the truth with so much noise. Obama is about noise and hype and right now that noise is drowning out the truth but we can get the room real quiet with a win in Virginia. I also believe we can take Hawaii. '; It is not the swift nor the strong who wins the race but the one who endures.';
Get rid of hillary and send a new candidate to her campaign
The economy. That's by far the biggest accomplishment of the Clinton years. And it's a major concern right now. She's very good with facts and figures, and if she gets specific, and drives the point home again and again, she'll persuade folks that she can get us out of financial trouble, as her husband did in the past.
Regarding Bill, he shouldn't completely disappear. But he needs to be positive and supportive. Best would be if he lays it on thick about Hillary's talents, and says nothing at all about Obama.
Her biggest campaigning problem in my opinion is she is always changing her approach. Obama has a pretty unified message about change that has sometimes been very effective, sometimes less effective, but he has kept with it for the most part and I think it's paid off for him. Hillary seems to be in constant change of what her message and main focus should be... some times she is in clear attack mode, some times she talks about experiences, sometimes change. And every couple of weeks she changes her slogans. For me, this technique makes her appear that she is constantly questioning herself and appears more desperate.
I think that if she would just ignore Obama, and focus on why we need a change of direction, she would do much better. She shouldn't mention his name, she shouldn't infer him, she shouldn't talk about how much experience she has. She should just focus on how we should transcend to the next century.
There has been a few times that she has done this, where it seems she is using Obama's speech herself, and I think that has been some of her most successful moments. She should just turn off the tv and play win or lose one solid technique... otherwise she really will loose. Betting on super delegates or Ohio and Pennsylvania in March are as logical as Gulliani betting in Florida as if momentum from the others would never effect the state.How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
I would tell her to send her Arkansas hit squad to run over Obama with a black van. That would solve the problem.
The problem is not the campaign manager. The problem is her chief strategist, Mark Penn. Penn devised a plan for Hillary to run on experience. That's why we all hear '; 35 years'; so often. But the young voters ( 19-29) and the independent voters don't care about experience... they want to hear anout the future. That's why they vote for Obama...that's a large part of his platform. Mark Penn is a large part off why she has lost some states.
Pray that Obama takes more debates so you can highlight the differences between you and him.
Go after his policy in a way that you really haven't. If you want to push the empty suit narrative, prove it.
Go on Yahoo Answers and post every 30 minutes about his middle name being Hussein. Sure, you come off looking crazy, but it'll be worth it!
Put duct tape over her mouth.
Attack Obama about were is the beef??? What does he stand for??
She should start saying The people need HELP not hope.
';kill Bill';, I think it was a movie but it sure wouldn't hurt her. She could use the same methods she used in the past to make it look like an accident. She would crank in the votes. Poor me, boo hoo with some more tears. My husband was killed by a crazed Obama fan, what an Obamination that is!
Well alot of people see her for what she is. And thats what her problem is. In her core she is a power hungry person who will use any and all methods to obtain that power.
You know planting people in speech audiences, changing positions on major issues when its politically convienient, pretending things about her self and what she has done that werent true and claiming things that hasnt done are true.
I think this is again a core part of her personality, its who she is. And I just do not want to have anything to do with that.
First lets look at the facts:
1. His supporters don't care about the truth.
2. You can not tell the truth on him or the media will go berserk.
3. The people who support him disregard any negative truths about him.
4. He is very good at winning caucus states
5. He has the Black vote.
Now, this is what Hillary needs to do: Forget about changing minds on Obama side. She needs to make sure her supporters get to the polls each and everyone of them. She needs to contact supporters in each community in Texas and Ohio and let the foot soldiers go door to door for her. She needs to cut ties with negative media that tries to turn her every word negative. It also needs to be know that whomever doesn't stand with her now will pay the price when she is President. She needs to work for every vote and make sure Obama does not win it outright, if she can steal Virginia or even make it a tight race. She will shut up many people because no one can hear the truth with so much noise. Obama is about noise and hype and right now that noise is drowning out the truth but we can get the room real quiet with a win in Virginia. I also believe we can take Hawaii. '; It is not the swift nor the strong who wins the race but the one who endures.';
Get rid of hillary and send a new candidate to her campaign
The economy. That's by far the biggest accomplishment of the Clinton years. And it's a major concern right now. She's very good with facts and figures, and if she gets specific, and drives the point home again and again, she'll persuade folks that she can get us out of financial trouble, as her husband did in the past.
Regarding Bill, he shouldn't completely disappear. But he needs to be positive and supportive. Best would be if he lays it on thick about Hillary's talents, and says nothing at all about Obama.
Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
That would be hysterical. He wouldn't get a penny from me though. Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
Joe The Plumber?
What a jokeIs it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
Yes But you could Donate To His Back Tax Fund Maybe Palin will pick Him For VP in 2012
A Christian wants to give a wife beating liar money?
Wait till November 5th to help pay of the McCain campaign debt.
McCain gets some of his proceeds, since he was the one that fabricated the whole issue.
what you want to give him money for what? he has not helped us in any way.
Maybe he'll be as good a President as George the Baseball team manager who should have never set foot inside the White House.
Just when I thought you people couldn't possibly get any stupider. Wow.
Why would you want to vote for a racist, pathological liar like Joe the No-Plumber.
If you want to donate, give to a worthy cause as your Church.
A guy who is a liar and a tax cheat. Any true christian would find him to be the wrong choice. This guy even lied about Obama wanting to destroy Israel. I will be praying for you.
he maybe your best candidate republickans
Donate money to his publicist so he can get his music career up and started. He's a jack-a s s.
No wonder his wife left him.
No, send it to me I'll give it to him
Looks like you should be investing in Israel since with a Obama presidency it will lead to its demise....... WAIT my bad, Joe's a moron.
Well he is taking up the role of Secretary of the treasury under the McPalin administration.
So right now he is being briefed on things like credit default swaps libor rates etc.
The guy is a tool . . . why donate money to him? He asked a question of Obama, and it was a fair question, and he received a good answer. McCain then thrust him onto the national stage. He is not a bright guy. He thinks an Obama Presidency will end Israel. He is probably barely able to identify Israel on a map. He has demonstrated himself to be intellectually challenged . . . a tragic tale of a person be extended way beyond his capacity to perform.
He probably would prefer you to buy his book or his records - I hear he has a book deal and a recording contract in the works. At least that's what his ';publicist'; says.
I don't think so!
Joe The Plumber?
What a jokeIs it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
Yes But you could Donate To His Back Tax Fund Maybe Palin will pick Him For VP in 2012
A Christian wants to give a wife beating liar money?
Wait till November 5th to help pay of the McCain campaign debt.
McCain gets some of his proceeds, since he was the one that fabricated the whole issue.
what you want to give him money for what? he has not helped us in any way.
Maybe he'll be as good a President as George the Baseball team manager who should have never set foot inside the White House.
Just when I thought you people couldn't possibly get any stupider. Wow.
Why would you want to vote for a racist, pathological liar like Joe the No-Plumber.
If you want to donate, give to a worthy cause as your Church.
A guy who is a liar and a tax cheat. Any true christian would find him to be the wrong choice. This guy even lied about Obama wanting to destroy Israel. I will be praying for you.
he maybe your best candidate republickans
Donate money to his publicist so he can get his music career up and started. He's a jack-a s s.
No wonder his wife left him.
No, send it to me I'll give it to him
Looks like you should be investing in Israel since with a Obama presidency it will lead to its demise....... WAIT my bad, Joe's a moron.
Well he is taking up the role of Secretary of the treasury under the McPalin administration.
So right now he is being briefed on things like credit default swaps libor rates etc.
The guy is a tool . . . why donate money to him? He asked a question of Obama, and it was a fair question, and he received a good answer. McCain then thrust him onto the national stage. He is not a bright guy. He thinks an Obama Presidency will end Israel. He is probably barely able to identify Israel on a map. He has demonstrated himself to be intellectually challenged . . . a tragic tale of a person be extended way beyond his capacity to perform.
He probably would prefer you to buy his book or his records - I hear he has a book deal and a recording contract in the works. At least that's what his ';publicist'; says.
I don't think so!
Campaign posters for student honor council?
I'm running for secretary for my school's student honor council, and I'm working on my campaign posters. I was wondering which sounds better/makes more sense:
Vote for Chelsea Smith for secretary
Vote Chelsea Smith for secretaryCampaign posters for student honor council?
i think the second one is better.
Vote for Chelsea Smith for secretary
Vote Chelsea Smith for secretaryCampaign posters for student honor council?
i think the second one is better.
Can I donate to Obama's campaign via paypal?
I've recently done away with credit cards, how do I donate to Obama without one?Can I donate to Obama's campaign via paypal?
I didn't see that option available but you can mail in a check here:
Donating Offline: If you would prefer to contribute by mail, send a check to: Obama for America, P.O. Box 802798, Chicago, IL 60680
Or donate to your local Democratic office.Can I donate to Obama's campaign via paypal?
I WOULDNT use Paypal!!! They are suck a huge Scam! I lost $540.00 to them and they wont return any of my e-mails! ALSO had a few friends of mine lose some money from giving paypal private info. Just sharing my lesson:) I HATE PAY PAL!
Not sure, but you could go to your bank and get a debit card! Thats what I use. Looks just like a credit card but works like writing a check. Thanks for supporting Obama!
But one sure way of donating to the candidate is offering severely discounted real estate to the family...
Why not cut out the middle man and go give that money to some homeless guy under a bridge. He needs it more than Multi Millionaire Obama.
Use a money order. You can get them from a currency exchange.
I would check out his website:
They will take your money any way they can get it. Just your Democrat Committee in your town and they will tell you how.
Any money sent to him will be wasted. He is losing.
hold on just send it to me cause your throwing your money away send it my way
mail in;.
go www.barackobama.com
to get the address
i just use a visa ... im sure u can with paypal.. way to go, thanks for supporting the cause..
I didn't see that option available but you can mail in a check here:
Donating Offline: If you would prefer to contribute by mail, send a check to: Obama for America, P.O. Box 802798, Chicago, IL 60680
Or donate to your local Democratic office.Can I donate to Obama's campaign via paypal?
I WOULDNT use Paypal!!! They are suck a huge Scam! I lost $540.00 to them and they wont return any of my e-mails! ALSO had a few friends of mine lose some money from giving paypal private info. Just sharing my lesson:) I HATE PAY PAL!
Not sure, but you could go to your bank and get a debit card! Thats what I use. Looks just like a credit card but works like writing a check. Thanks for supporting Obama!
But one sure way of donating to the candidate is offering severely discounted real estate to the family...
Why not cut out the middle man and go give that money to some homeless guy under a bridge. He needs it more than Multi Millionaire Obama.
Use a money order. You can get them from a currency exchange.
I would check out his website:
They will take your money any way they can get it. Just your Democrat Committee in your town and they will tell you how.
Any money sent to him will be wasted. He is losing.
hold on just send it to me cause your throwing your money away send it my way
mail in;.
go www.barackobama.com
to get the address
i just use a visa ... im sure u can with paypal.. way to go, thanks for supporting the cause..
The postal workers ';Stamp out Hunger'; campaign?
is taking place on May 12, 2007. What do you think are good ideas for donations of perishable foods. I was going to use a them of either breakfast lunch dinner or one meal to prepare a donation. For the first one i thought boxed pancakes with fruit, tuna w/crackers for lunch and for dinner spaghetti sauce with spaghetti. What are your ideas and do you plan to participate by leaving food for your local carrier to pick upThe postal workers ';Stamp out Hunger'; campaign?
It's a wonderful idea.
Thanks for mentioning it. My carrier is a great guy, always says hello and is cheerful always. I hope it is a huge success.
Sure, I'll make a donation.The postal workers ';Stamp out Hunger'; campaign?
Yes: according to your local ';Postoffice they do an
Canned Food Drive also it's very important idea of course
we'd volunteer too just leave bagged groceries next to Mail
box which the Postal Worker would pick those up by May 12th';
I know for our local food bank, cereal and canned meats are always needed. Also cooking oil. Sugar and flour are also hard to get at a food bank as well. Thank you for caring.
As a postal worker I would not like to pick up any perishable items. Cold cereals and oatmeals are good. Baby formula is always appreciated at food banks. I also like to donate something sweet such as hot cocoa mix. Canned soup, canned veggies, other non-glass items are all good donations. Thanks in advance for helping to make this year's food drive a success.
Thanks for the reminder. I usually donate dried beans, dried fruit and canned meat and/or fish. I like the breakfast lunch and dinner idea though. Perhaps I'll get a box of oatmeal or other cereal and some peanut butter and crackers also this year.Scooter
It's a wonderful idea.
Thanks for mentioning it. My carrier is a great guy, always says hello and is cheerful always. I hope it is a huge success.
Sure, I'll make a donation.The postal workers ';Stamp out Hunger'; campaign?
Yes: according to your local ';Postoffice they do an
Canned Food Drive also it's very important idea of course
we'd volunteer too just leave bagged groceries next to Mail
box which the Postal Worker would pick those up by May 12th';
I know for our local food bank, cereal and canned meats are always needed. Also cooking oil. Sugar and flour are also hard to get at a food bank as well. Thank you for caring.
As a postal worker I would not like to pick up any perishable items. Cold cereals and oatmeals are good. Baby formula is always appreciated at food banks. I also like to donate something sweet such as hot cocoa mix. Canned soup, canned veggies, other non-glass items are all good donations. Thanks in advance for helping to make this year's food drive a success.
Thanks for the reminder. I usually donate dried beans, dried fruit and canned meat and/or fish. I like the breakfast lunch and dinner idea though. Perhaps I'll get a box of oatmeal or other cereal and some peanut butter and crackers also this year.
Question about World War II Tunisia Campaign?
Where were the American/Allied command posts located in N. Africa? Where were the Axis command posts located? Thank you!Question about World War II Tunisia Campaign?
The Allies were in Egypt and the Axis were in Lybia and neighboring countries including Moroco, Algeria, and Tunisa. Hope this helps!
The Allies were in Egypt and the Axis were in Lybia and neighboring countries including Moroco, Algeria, and Tunisa. Hope this helps!
Is this the new Barack Obama theme song to be played at all campaign events?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbkodjxUa鈥?/a>Is this the new Barack Obama theme song to be played at all campaign events?
Thanks for the laugh..you are a dude
so maybe yes maybe no
dependsIs this the new Barack Obama theme song to be played at all campaign events?
I haven't heard that song for over 30 years, still a good song! lol, I could have sworn on the video of Obama stuttering like a idiot he was stoned.
Not that I'm an authority on crack-smoking (like Obama is), but isn't a puff of crack referred to as a ';hit'; and not a ';toke';?
Yes, all druggies are welcome.
Thanks for the laugh..you are a dude
so maybe yes maybe no
dependsIs this the new Barack Obama theme song to be played at all campaign events?
I haven't heard that song for over 30 years, still a good song! lol, I could have sworn on the video of Obama stuttering like a idiot he was stoned.
Not that I'm an authority on crack-smoking (like Obama is), but isn't a puff of crack referred to as a ';hit'; and not a ';toke';?
Yes, all druggies are welcome.
Why does the president continue to campaign and photo-op? two air force 1 choppers to get shot of NYC flyover?
Who planned that? Michelle?Why does the president continue to campaign and photo-op? two air force 1 choppers to get shot of NYC flyover?
Honestly people, if it sells in the press, Obama is all over it, if it tanks, it was set up by a flunky and he knew nothing about it. He’s a politician, nothing he does is ever wrong, or the spin doctors go to work to fix it. Heck, if some interior design editor criticized the décor in the Whitehouse, Michelle would just claim some junior level flunky screwed up the color of the paint, UPS delivered the wrong drapes, and the installers put up the wrong paintings. Plausible deniability. They just blame someone else. It’s similar to how if the Stimulus works Obama will be a hero, if it fails, he’ll still be a hero because he tried, but even the great Obama couldn’t undo the mess “Bush” left him.Why does the president continue to campaign and photo-op? two air force 1 choppers to get shot of NYC flyover?
Because he wants to be President for all citizens. Neocons have hid their head in the sand. It takes a little more to get them to understand.
The photo op had nothing to do with President Obama. It was funded by a movie company.
I remember a Aircraft Carrier that was used for a photo op. Does ';Mission Accomplished'; ring any bells?
There is more to the story. Who were the passengers on that plane flying over NYC?
Like the lone B-29 over Nagasaki Japan, he's just desensitizing people for the next big attack.
I know right what a HUGE waste of Fuel! they could have easily got Hollywood to create a CG animated effect for a fraction of the price and almost ZERO carbon Emissions
Obama didn't know about it, it was set up by a flunkie
Honestly people, if it sells in the press, Obama is all over it, if it tanks, it was set up by a flunky and he knew nothing about it. He’s a politician, nothing he does is ever wrong, or the spin doctors go to work to fix it. Heck, if some interior design editor criticized the décor in the Whitehouse, Michelle would just claim some junior level flunky screwed up the color of the paint, UPS delivered the wrong drapes, and the installers put up the wrong paintings. Plausible deniability. They just blame someone else. It’s similar to how if the Stimulus works Obama will be a hero, if it fails, he’ll still be a hero because he tried, but even the great Obama couldn’t undo the mess “Bush” left him.Why does the president continue to campaign and photo-op? two air force 1 choppers to get shot of NYC flyover?
Because he wants to be President for all citizens. Neocons have hid their head in the sand. It takes a little more to get them to understand.
The photo op had nothing to do with President Obama. It was funded by a movie company.
I remember a Aircraft Carrier that was used for a photo op. Does ';Mission Accomplished'; ring any bells?
There is more to the story. Who were the passengers on that plane flying over NYC?
Like the lone B-29 over Nagasaki Japan, he's just desensitizing people for the next big attack.
I know right what a HUGE waste of Fuel! they could have easily got Hollywood to create a CG animated effect for a fraction of the price and almost ZERO carbon Emissions
Obama didn't know about it, it was set up by a flunkie
Why is the 'Rogue Diva' being called a 'Whack Job' by the McCain Campaign?
Is this what we can expect if they are ever elected to the White House?
Heaven forbidsWhy is the 'Rogue Diva' being called a 'Whack Job' by the McCain Campaign?
From several reports, the leaks from the McCain campaign are from former Romney staffers. It appears the Romney folks are realizing that Palin has become a drag on the ';mavericky'; ticket and that she is attempting to hedge her bets for 2012 by going off script. Why is the 'Rogue Diva' being called a 'Whack Job' by the McCain Campaign?
From Maverick to Diva in a month. She did not fool us for long.
Because they call it like it is
Why can't you get a hair cut....you Whack Job?!!!!
Heaven forbidsWhy is the 'Rogue Diva' being called a 'Whack Job' by the McCain Campaign?
From several reports, the leaks from the McCain campaign are from former Romney staffers. It appears the Romney folks are realizing that Palin has become a drag on the ';mavericky'; ticket and that she is attempting to hedge her bets for 2012 by going off script. Why is the 'Rogue Diva' being called a 'Whack Job' by the McCain Campaign?
From Maverick to Diva in a month. She did not fool us for long.
Because they call it like it is
Why can't you get a hair cut....you Whack Job?!!!!
Has ';Joe the Plumber'; been an asset or a liability to the McCain campaign?
He's not even a plumber, or even an apprentice. And he is in no position to buy his own business as he pretended. His real name isn't even Joe, it's Samuel. And he is a tax evader. Why did they stick with such a bad and phony image for their campaign?Has ';Joe the Plumber'; been an asset or a liability to the McCain campaign?
Probably an asset, but only to the base.
Look at the facts....and in every way, this guy 'Joe' would do better under Obama.
He'd get a far bigger tax cut (since we know he made $42,000 last year).
He'd be more likely to get health insurance from his employer.
Obama will put more muscle behind labor and trade groups....like Plumbers
When will he do better under McCain? If Joe wins the lottery, and that's it.Has ';Joe the Plumber'; been an asset or a liability to the McCain campaign?
Oh they ';think'; he's an asset but ';Joe the Plumber'; makes the McCain campaign look weak, ignorant and out of touch, a definate liability.
It is so ridiculous, an uneducated, multiple divorcee, someone who works as a plumber with no license, says he works 12 hour days but only made $40K last year, and is delinquent on his taxes AND now looking for a country music career?
Republicans, have you drunk so much of the NeoCon koolaide that your sensibilities are gone?
While Joe the Plumber has been funny to a lot of people he's also been a real non-issue. Voters don't care about some guy they're not even sure if he's real or not. A few duds out there think he's some real deal, but the guy he's representing isn't even the real deal so Joe, Sam or whatever your name is...go climb back under your Keating rock you crawled out from under.
mccain is a stand up guy
who is terribly concerned about hurting someone's feelings
he does not have the nuts to say that obama is bad for america
probably believes that most americans like the amount of socialism that we have
plumber guy is closer to most of us than mccain
and calls them the way most of us see them
anti-socialist, objectivist, gun-toting, mccain voting
looking to link-up with john galt
McCain was sticking to what he knows best: choosing people who are a liability.
It's more amusing how people think he was like a terrible shock to Obama's campaign. The man made a jackass of himself. He'll have his 15 minutes of fame and go back to being an ordinary ';Joe'; and a footnote to election history.
A bad and phony image is what the republican base appreciates. It reminds them of themselves. Trouble is, most of America and intelligent society hates it.
Looking at the way the democrats destroyed Joe in revenge for embarrassing Obama, you get a feel for how they will deal with dissenters if Obama is elected.
I thought Joe the Plumber was in the comic section of the newspapers.
Joe the Plumber was a McCain supporter all along...
He basically made a fool of the campaign. Now he has a book deal, and a recording contract.
';Joe the Plumber'; was a Republican plant and made the McCain camp look like the idiots they are!
An asset, he exposed Obama' socialist plan.
Just keep knocking him it just shows your fears of his effectiveness.
He was an asset and them came, Tito, Cory, Fat Albert, and his whole gang.
To try to get it through to non-voting school kids like you what an average American gets with obama vs Mccain
Big bomb for McCain. Him an Palin sunk McCain big time.
Just a big joke that certainly backfired, lol.
a push. Joe plays to McCain's base but has no resonance with anyone else.
asset for sure!!!
Probably an asset, but only to the base.
Look at the facts....and in every way, this guy 'Joe' would do better under Obama.
He'd get a far bigger tax cut (since we know he made $42,000 last year).
He'd be more likely to get health insurance from his employer.
Obama will put more muscle behind labor and trade groups....like Plumbers
When will he do better under McCain? If Joe wins the lottery, and that's it.Has ';Joe the Plumber'; been an asset or a liability to the McCain campaign?
Oh they ';think'; he's an asset but ';Joe the Plumber'; makes the McCain campaign look weak, ignorant and out of touch, a definate liability.
It is so ridiculous, an uneducated, multiple divorcee, someone who works as a plumber with no license, says he works 12 hour days but only made $40K last year, and is delinquent on his taxes AND now looking for a country music career?
Republicans, have you drunk so much of the NeoCon koolaide that your sensibilities are gone?
While Joe the Plumber has been funny to a lot of people he's also been a real non-issue. Voters don't care about some guy they're not even sure if he's real or not. A few duds out there think he's some real deal, but the guy he's representing isn't even the real deal so Joe, Sam or whatever your name is...go climb back under your Keating rock you crawled out from under.
mccain is a stand up guy
who is terribly concerned about hurting someone's feelings
he does not have the nuts to say that obama is bad for america
probably believes that most americans like the amount of socialism that we have
plumber guy is closer to most of us than mccain
and calls them the way most of us see them
anti-socialist, objectivist, gun-toting, mccain voting
looking to link-up with john galt
McCain was sticking to what he knows best: choosing people who are a liability.
It's more amusing how people think he was like a terrible shock to Obama's campaign. The man made a jackass of himself. He'll have his 15 minutes of fame and go back to being an ordinary ';Joe'; and a footnote to election history.
A bad and phony image is what the republican base appreciates. It reminds them of themselves. Trouble is, most of America and intelligent society hates it.
Looking at the way the democrats destroyed Joe in revenge for embarrassing Obama, you get a feel for how they will deal with dissenters if Obama is elected.
I thought Joe the Plumber was in the comic section of the newspapers.
Joe the Plumber was a McCain supporter all along...
He basically made a fool of the campaign. Now he has a book deal, and a recording contract.
';Joe the Plumber'; was a Republican plant and made the McCain camp look like the idiots they are!
An asset, he exposed Obama' socialist plan.
Just keep knocking him it just shows your fears of his effectiveness.
He was an asset and them came, Tito, Cory, Fat Albert, and his whole gang.
To try to get it through to non-voting school kids like you what an average American gets with obama vs Mccain
Big bomb for McCain. Him an Palin sunk McCain big time.
Just a big joke that certainly backfired, lol.
a push. Joe plays to McCain's base but has no resonance with anyone else.
asset for sure!!!
Did the New York Times Violate Campaign Finance Laws discounting Move On Ad?
They did not give the same treatment to other political organizations thus making it a soft money contribution should a press organiztion be above the law?Did the New York Times Violate Campaign Finance Laws discounting Move On Ad?
No law was broken, since Moveon.org is not a candidate for federal office.
However, it certainly proves (as if anyone doubted), the ';liberal media bias.';
Goldenrae this story has been widely reported - the Times gave Moveon.org a full page ad for 1/3 of rates.Did the New York Times Violate Campaign Finance Laws discounting Move On Ad?
Everyone knows the media has a liberal bias and like it or not, that's the nature of the beast: to question, to investigate, to doubt the word of authority. The father of media was Ben Franklin. Do you know more about the subject than Ben Franklin?
The one time in our history the media was NOT liberal and did NOT do their job, we ended up going into Iraq based on faulty intelligence and poor congressional and presidential leadership.
As far as your allegation goes, if you were to enforce such laws using the logic you have, then Fox News would have to be shut down permanently or begin promoting themselves as the GOP propaganda machine they are.
We're going to find out. Violation of campaign finance laws are being investigated.
Your evidence is where? I am a lifelong Time reader and have seen plenty of Conservative PAC sponsored ads. Nice try though.
Just whose campaign did the NYT contribute to?
God, you conservatives get dumber by the day.
Our founding fathers put that issue in the Constitution. It's called freedom of the press and it shall not be infringed upon.
It goes along with freedom of speech and religion.
I don't lean to the left or the right. I'm just quoting what the Constitution of the United States says.
Fox News (owned by Rupert Murdoch) promotes the Republican agenda. Why is no one complaining about that?
Is the NYT the only major news outlet that should come under scrutiny because of what they say (or in this case, what they print)?
If you're going to point fingers at the NYT, then point fingers at Fox News as well.
Whatever happened to supporting our Constitution? Isn't that what is most important?
If we focus on that, won't we have better success at making sure our country stays intact?
Oh, by the way, I read the article and Moveon.org DIDN'T receive any discount for placing the ad. You should get your facts right before stating things.
According to them, they give the same discount to all ';advocacy'; groups. How many different ways can ';advocacy'; be interpreted? A lot in my opinion. But, if they can back it up that they give this same discount to similar groups across the board, without bias, then they are free to do so I believe. But will anyone legally challenge this and demand proof? Doubtful.
It definately appears that they did. But we all know that the NYT is a far left tabloid that unabashedly supports the Democrats and the leftist liberal agenda.
What office is moveon.org running for?...Didn't mean to make your question sound silly, but it is what it is.
Probably not. But that does not show where the Times are, papers can refuse ads and this one should have been one mixing political hate speech to a military leader.
YES but NO!~!
The New York Times is a private corporation, not a government entity, and as such can pretty much do what they want
Well I don't believe they should be.
I mean, at this point, they have already done things that you or I would be prosecuted for treason over.
Seriously. Let's go back a few years, before the NY Times ';broke'; the stories of our programs to track terrorists banking and put wire taps on their phones.
Okay, you and I are American citizens, and we have information on these classified government programs that are aimed at tracking terrorists. Let's say you and I go to these terrorists and give them this information, effectively causing them to change their tactics to avoid detection.
The government finds out we did this, would we be charged with and tried for treason? Absolutely! And, we'd be convicted of it as well.
Why should the NY Times be above this?
Is ';Freedom of the Press'; a free pass to commit treason? I don't think it should be.
Is moveon.org running for something?
Campaign finance laws only apply to, you know, CAMPAIGNS.
EDIT: I understand why you don't like my answer; after all, it points out a MAJOR flaw in the premise of your question. But campaign finance laws were put into place to ensure that political candidates don't mismanage the money they're being given to run for public office.
None of that has anything to do with moveon.org.
I think their ad was ridiculous, by the way, but I'm sure you don't care about that. You think because I'm a liberal I worship at the altar of moveon.org. I don't. I rarely agree with anything they say. But your question is still silly.Scooter
No law was broken, since Moveon.org is not a candidate for federal office.
However, it certainly proves (as if anyone doubted), the ';liberal media bias.';
Goldenrae this story has been widely reported - the Times gave Moveon.org a full page ad for 1/3 of rates.Did the New York Times Violate Campaign Finance Laws discounting Move On Ad?
Everyone knows the media has a liberal bias and like it or not, that's the nature of the beast: to question, to investigate, to doubt the word of authority. The father of media was Ben Franklin. Do you know more about the subject than Ben Franklin?
The one time in our history the media was NOT liberal and did NOT do their job, we ended up going into Iraq based on faulty intelligence and poor congressional and presidential leadership.
As far as your allegation goes, if you were to enforce such laws using the logic you have, then Fox News would have to be shut down permanently or begin promoting themselves as the GOP propaganda machine they are.
We're going to find out. Violation of campaign finance laws are being investigated.
Your evidence is where? I am a lifelong Time reader and have seen plenty of Conservative PAC sponsored ads. Nice try though.
Just whose campaign did the NYT contribute to?
God, you conservatives get dumber by the day.
Our founding fathers put that issue in the Constitution. It's called freedom of the press and it shall not be infringed upon.
It goes along with freedom of speech and religion.
I don't lean to the left or the right. I'm just quoting what the Constitution of the United States says.
Fox News (owned by Rupert Murdoch) promotes the Republican agenda. Why is no one complaining about that?
Is the NYT the only major news outlet that should come under scrutiny because of what they say (or in this case, what they print)?
If you're going to point fingers at the NYT, then point fingers at Fox News as well.
Whatever happened to supporting our Constitution? Isn't that what is most important?
If we focus on that, won't we have better success at making sure our country stays intact?
Oh, by the way, I read the article and Moveon.org DIDN'T receive any discount for placing the ad. You should get your facts right before stating things.
According to them, they give the same discount to all ';advocacy'; groups. How many different ways can ';advocacy'; be interpreted? A lot in my opinion. But, if they can back it up that they give this same discount to similar groups across the board, without bias, then they are free to do so I believe. But will anyone legally challenge this and demand proof? Doubtful.
It definately appears that they did. But we all know that the NYT is a far left tabloid that unabashedly supports the Democrats and the leftist liberal agenda.
What office is moveon.org running for?...Didn't mean to make your question sound silly, but it is what it is.
Probably not. But that does not show where the Times are, papers can refuse ads and this one should have been one mixing political hate speech to a military leader.
YES but NO!~!
The New York Times is a private corporation, not a government entity, and as such can pretty much do what they want
Well I don't believe they should be.
I mean, at this point, they have already done things that you or I would be prosecuted for treason over.
Seriously. Let's go back a few years, before the NY Times ';broke'; the stories of our programs to track terrorists banking and put wire taps on their phones.
Okay, you and I are American citizens, and we have information on these classified government programs that are aimed at tracking terrorists. Let's say you and I go to these terrorists and give them this information, effectively causing them to change their tactics to avoid detection.
The government finds out we did this, would we be charged with and tried for treason? Absolutely! And, we'd be convicted of it as well.
Why should the NY Times be above this?
Is ';Freedom of the Press'; a free pass to commit treason? I don't think it should be.
Is moveon.org running for something?
Campaign finance laws only apply to, you know, CAMPAIGNS.
EDIT: I understand why you don't like my answer; after all, it points out a MAJOR flaw in the premise of your question. But campaign finance laws were put into place to ensure that political candidates don't mismanage the money they're being given to run for public office.
None of that has anything to do with moveon.org.
I think their ad was ridiculous, by the way, but I'm sure you don't care about that. You think because I'm a liberal I worship at the altar of moveon.org. I don't. I rarely agree with anything they say. But your question is still silly.
Why is Obama making deals with the same people he chastized during the campaign?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1t_x4Ygl鈥?/a>Why is Obama making deals with the same people he chastized during the campaign?
Because he says one thing and does another.
And yes, when Air America is calling Obama a liar, I would tend to find that credible since Air American is run by the liberal media.Why is Obama making deals with the same people he chastized during the campaign?
Probably because he has lied from BEFORE he was President. The man does not know how to open his mouth and tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Suddenly right wingers are calling Air America a credible source?????
Politics make strange bed fellows
Because the guy is a liar and a hypocrite, straight up..
Because he says one thing and does another.
And yes, when Air America is calling Obama a liar, I would tend to find that credible since Air American is run by the liberal media.Why is Obama making deals with the same people he chastized during the campaign?
Probably because he has lied from BEFORE he was President. The man does not know how to open his mouth and tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Suddenly right wingers are calling Air America a credible source?????
Politics make strange bed fellows
Because the guy is a liar and a hypocrite, straight up..
Advice for state legislature campaign, like methods to spread info, aquiring campaign manager etc.?
I already have some ideas but i wanted to hear some other ones. I'm running as an independent, so i need some ideas to raise money because i dont have a parties support. Also how to i get a campaign manager, what would that cost, lastly besides a website how would you recommend i go about getting my message out.
Really any good advice pertaining to campaigning would get you best answer.Advice for state legislature campaign, like methods to spread info, aquiring campaign manager etc.?
First, you need to raise some money to pay for campaign manager, phone banking, direct mail, website server capacity, and other costs.
Call EVERY person you have ever met. Start with close family, and ask for their support (time %26amp; money). If they believe in what you are doing, they will give with no questions asked. It is hard to ask for money, but it must be done, otherwise you will go personally bankrupt funding your own campaign. I personally asked the closest 50 family members I have for $100 each! And most of them gave that amount, or what they felt comfortable with.
Second, develop a message: ';I believe that our State should.........';
Have 3 key points/goals that you want to achieve, and they should be concise and easily understood.
Third: recruit volunteers! Family, co-workers, church members, Kiwanis/Lions/Other Club members who believe in your effort. They need to commit their talents also. Can they be photographer, make phone calls, drop literature in neighborhoods, donate campaign T-shirts or literature, printing, postage, or any other services?
Budget: how much do you want to spend to get your message out? Will you need $5K, or $500K? Depending on the state you run in, if for Senate/House, you may need to spend more time on fundraising than on door-to-door contact.
Constituencies: Do you seek the endorsement/support of: business, labor unions, environmental groups, community organizations, etc? If your beliefs and theirs are the same, they can bring money, volunteers, and other resources out to support your campaign.
Lastly, two thoughts: Do you have the support of your spouse/family? Running for public office at ANY level requires a committment of time, that you will never get back. Be sure they understand and agree that your effort is worthy, and that you budget time with them, otherwise, win or lose, they may feel angry at your leaving them out of the process or out of their lives. Second, leave your ego at the door. When you meet with people, you want them to hire you to be their voice. It is they that need to believe that they can trust you.
Hope that helps!
Really any good advice pertaining to campaigning would get you best answer.Advice for state legislature campaign, like methods to spread info, aquiring campaign manager etc.?
First, you need to raise some money to pay for campaign manager, phone banking, direct mail, website server capacity, and other costs.
Call EVERY person you have ever met. Start with close family, and ask for their support (time %26amp; money). If they believe in what you are doing, they will give with no questions asked. It is hard to ask for money, but it must be done, otherwise you will go personally bankrupt funding your own campaign. I personally asked the closest 50 family members I have for $100 each! And most of them gave that amount, or what they felt comfortable with.
Second, develop a message: ';I believe that our State should.........';
Have 3 key points/goals that you want to achieve, and they should be concise and easily understood.
Third: recruit volunteers! Family, co-workers, church members, Kiwanis/Lions/Other Club members who believe in your effort. They need to commit their talents also. Can they be photographer, make phone calls, drop literature in neighborhoods, donate campaign T-shirts or literature, printing, postage, or any other services?
Budget: how much do you want to spend to get your message out? Will you need $5K, or $500K? Depending on the state you run in, if for Senate/House, you may need to spend more time on fundraising than on door-to-door contact.
Constituencies: Do you seek the endorsement/support of: business, labor unions, environmental groups, community organizations, etc? If your beliefs and theirs are the same, they can bring money, volunteers, and other resources out to support your campaign.
Lastly, two thoughts: Do you have the support of your spouse/family? Running for public office at ANY level requires a committment of time, that you will never get back. Be sure they understand and agree that your effort is worthy, and that you budget time with them, otherwise, win or lose, they may feel angry at your leaving them out of the process or out of their lives. Second, leave your ego at the door. When you meet with people, you want them to hire you to be their voice. It is they that need to believe that they can trust you.
Hope that helps!
Since Obama Has so much more Campaign money than MCCain?
Shouldnt he split it with McCain to make this Election Fair??Since Obama Has so much more Campaign money than MCCain?
No, and just imagine how much is being sloughed off into cash. 10%? 20?Since Obama Has so much more Campaign money than MCCain?
Sharing the campaign money would be an insult to anyone who donated to Obama. If you donate money to any candidate, you don鈥檛 want them giving it to your enemy.
Obama got the money fair; sharing it wouldn't be.
I don鈥檛 support Obama, but even I can see why sharing the campaign funds would be a bad idea.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure it would be illegal for Obama to give his campaign money to McCain. Why should I get thumbs down for wanting people's donations to be protected? Some people are so biased it's like they can't see straight.
Great question.. No Obama only likes to spread our wealth around. His is for keeps. He doesn't even spread his wealth to his half brother who makes $12 a year. McCain doesn't need his money though...with all the money there is Obama should be way ahead of McCain. I can't wait until McCain beats him regardless of money. The funny thing is everyone goes on and on about McCain's ';wealth'; even though he has less in campaign money, him and Cindy give so much to charities, while Obama gives a minuscule amount.Obama is the one who spends all that money on a 1/2 hour of him talking about himself. So who is the eletist who could careless about the poor.... Obama.
Obama should ';spread the wealth';...oh, sorry, he wants us to ';spread our wealth';
Many of obama's campaign donations are under question. he received $150 million last month alone, and there is no way of tracking the donors.
His campaign disabled the security mechanism for on-line donations.
ALL online companies have this mechanism because it proves that the person who is actually purchasing matches the buyer. Most of his on line donations came on prepaid credit cards...many speculate that donations have come from his Arab associations.
His citizenship is in question
McCain brought in donations legally, Obama didn't
Well it doesnt work that way and also he cant bail anyone out with it, because it is for the campaign, and nothing else. It aint there so he can pay Joe the Plumber's mortgage payment or bail out McCain, because he just happened to get more contributions than ole John did!
I swear, does no one understand how campaign donations work? They are donated for the express purpose of running your campaign! It's against the law to give it away, or use it for any other purpose other than what it was intended for--he couldn't even if he wanted to.
Even more appropriate, given that the Socialist candidate agreed to accept only public financing for his campaign, and then went back on his word.
Come on, Socialist - put your $$ where your mouth is and spread that campaign wealth around!
Remember Obama funding comes from those who support him and don't want their money ending in the hands of the McCain Campaign. In addition; McCain is already using taxpayers money to run his own campaign. I think we Obama supporters have already contributed enough.
Obama-Biden 08
Exactly. Since he wants to spread the wealth. But like typical democrats, they only want the wealth spread when they themselves benefit. Not the other way around.
Good thing is McCain is a republican and republicans don't expect handouts.
You could have asked that of the last 10,000 Republicans. They always had more money than Obama until the web allowed the Dems to solicit from regular people to oppose the huge corporations that favor the Republicans.
Were you asking the same question when
Bush had more money than Kerry?
Bush had more money than Gore?
Bush I had more money than Clinton?
Reagan had more money than Carter?
Reagan had more money than Mondale?
Obama is already helping John, click on the link below....
No because the money came from people that want to invest in Obama not McCain. I am sorry that McCain was not able to get enough people behind him.
lol yes, this election is all about fairness and equality
No - McCain had the choice to go with donations only but he chose to use taxpayer money instead...I guess it was a poor decision on his part.
Don't blame Obama. Blame McCain supporters for not donating enough.
He has more money because he has more support...DUH !!! The only thing he should give McCain is the finger.McCain is a mean old man
Spread the wealth Obama
Yeah spread the wealth Obama....isn't that what you Obama followers want?
No, for what? Would McCain do the same for him?? Don't think so!
He is not going to share his wealth. He wants to share yours!
Are you always this stupid or is today just an exception?
Hell no. I sent him money so he could beat McCain's ***.
He should do something for people of USA. He will spend he whole money in building nuclear weapons to nuke USA
No, and just imagine how much is being sloughed off into cash. 10%? 20?Since Obama Has so much more Campaign money than MCCain?
Sharing the campaign money would be an insult to anyone who donated to Obama. If you donate money to any candidate, you don鈥檛 want them giving it to your enemy.
Obama got the money fair; sharing it wouldn't be.
I don鈥檛 support Obama, but even I can see why sharing the campaign funds would be a bad idea.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure it would be illegal for Obama to give his campaign money to McCain. Why should I get thumbs down for wanting people's donations to be protected? Some people are so biased it's like they can't see straight.
Great question.. No Obama only likes to spread our wealth around. His is for keeps. He doesn't even spread his wealth to his half brother who makes $12 a year. McCain doesn't need his money though...with all the money there is Obama should be way ahead of McCain. I can't wait until McCain beats him regardless of money. The funny thing is everyone goes on and on about McCain's ';wealth'; even though he has less in campaign money, him and Cindy give so much to charities, while Obama gives a minuscule amount.Obama is the one who spends all that money on a 1/2 hour of him talking about himself. So who is the eletist who could careless about the poor.... Obama.
Obama should ';spread the wealth';...oh, sorry, he wants us to ';spread our wealth';
Many of obama's campaign donations are under question. he received $150 million last month alone, and there is no way of tracking the donors.
His campaign disabled the security mechanism for on-line donations.
ALL online companies have this mechanism because it proves that the person who is actually purchasing matches the buyer. Most of his on line donations came on prepaid credit cards...many speculate that donations have come from his Arab associations.
His citizenship is in question
McCain brought in donations legally, Obama didn't
Well it doesnt work that way and also he cant bail anyone out with it, because it is for the campaign, and nothing else. It aint there so he can pay Joe the Plumber's mortgage payment or bail out McCain, because he just happened to get more contributions than ole John did!
I swear, does no one understand how campaign donations work? They are donated for the express purpose of running your campaign! It's against the law to give it away, or use it for any other purpose other than what it was intended for--he couldn't even if he wanted to.
Even more appropriate, given that the Socialist candidate agreed to accept only public financing for his campaign, and then went back on his word.
Come on, Socialist - put your $$ where your mouth is and spread that campaign wealth around!
Remember Obama funding comes from those who support him and don't want their money ending in the hands of the McCain Campaign. In addition; McCain is already using taxpayers money to run his own campaign. I think we Obama supporters have already contributed enough.
Obama-Biden 08
Exactly. Since he wants to spread the wealth. But like typical democrats, they only want the wealth spread when they themselves benefit. Not the other way around.
Good thing is McCain is a republican and republicans don't expect handouts.
You could have asked that of the last 10,000 Republicans. They always had more money than Obama until the web allowed the Dems to solicit from regular people to oppose the huge corporations that favor the Republicans.
Were you asking the same question when
Bush had more money than Kerry?
Bush had more money than Gore?
Bush I had more money than Clinton?
Reagan had more money than Carter?
Reagan had more money than Mondale?
Obama is already helping John, click on the link below....
No because the money came from people that want to invest in Obama not McCain. I am sorry that McCain was not able to get enough people behind him.
lol yes, this election is all about fairness and equality
No - McCain had the choice to go with donations only but he chose to use taxpayer money instead...I guess it was a poor decision on his part.
Don't blame Obama. Blame McCain supporters for not donating enough.
He has more money because he has more support...DUH !!! The only thing he should give McCain is the finger.McCain is a mean old man
Spread the wealth Obama
Yeah spread the wealth Obama....isn't that what you Obama followers want?
No, for what? Would McCain do the same for him?? Don't think so!
He is not going to share his wealth. He wants to share yours!
Are you always this stupid or is today just an exception?
Hell no. I sent him money so he could beat McCain's ***.
He should do something for people of USA. He will spend he whole money in building nuclear weapons to nuke USA
My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
as well as this all the names for each class of guns in online have reset.................. this is a real loss as i am trying to get trophies for completing the game on hard difficulty, and each level of veteran.....
but my online stats are still fine?My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
Well your Call of Duty data should be saved on your hard drive in your console such as on Xbox 360. So it shouldn't be the game thats the problem.
Firstly, if you share your console make sure that no one is tampering with it or accidentally deleting your data.
Secondly when you play the campaign mode you shouldn't turn off your console, you should click the start button then press ';save and quit'; once you've done this you can then turn off your console .
Otherwise i'm not sure what to suggest, try looking in the game instruction booklet for the technical support phone number if they don't seem to be able to help return your game disc and get it replaced. But say theres a mechanical failure with it and that its not something you've caused or it could be hard to replaced.
Hope i can help you out mate, I love COD WaW its a great gameMy Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
The admin of this site can answer all questions you can go there and ask him about these games in comments he will surely answer that
but my online stats are still fine?My Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
Well your Call of Duty data should be saved on your hard drive in your console such as on Xbox 360. So it shouldn't be the game thats the problem.
Firstly, if you share your console make sure that no one is tampering with it or accidentally deleting your data.
Secondly when you play the campaign mode you shouldn't turn off your console, you should click the start button then press ';save and quit'; once you've done this you can then turn off your console .
Otherwise i'm not sure what to suggest, try looking in the game instruction booklet for the technical support phone number if they don't seem to be able to help return your game disc and get it replaced. But say theres a mechanical failure with it and that its not something you've caused or it could be hard to replaced.
Hope i can help you out mate, I love COD WaW its a great gameMy Call Of Duty WaW keeps losing campaign data?
The admin of this site can answer all questions you can go there and ask him about these games in comments he will surely answer that
Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
I had three questions removed yesterday. One was about Rev Wright and the other two about the ';typical white person'; remark. Does Obama have stooges out there patrolling YA to remove any content that they don't like?Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes I think so too!
Several of my questions were also deleted. They were questions that didn't make Obama look good.Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes the censorship on YA is reaching new heights, a sign of things to come if America elects Obama. I had a lot of questions and answers taken down, I have never seen such censorship in America.
It's incredible that you can make that claim with a straight face. Do you not see all of the similar comments on here? If that were the case 75% of this stuff would not be on here.
no, it's not a conspiracy against you
there are rules about using YA
';Venting, ranting, or using hate speech.
Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers. Read more %26gt;';
It's not him, there are other forces behind that.
Just be careful what you write at all times.
YA owns the servers. And YA is competing with Google. To put YA higher in Google search engines it needs more ';information'; sites. Yahoo Answers is for real questions looking for real answers. If you are trying to just make a point with your ';question';, or start a discussion, (like this question we are in) then it can get deleted.
Try going to groups.yahoo instead. Thats what that is for.
It's a no-brainer that YOU need to watch your content in your posts and change your behavior.
That's so obvious to us, now you run with it. Keep control of your posts that they do not violate the guidelines, BRAIN.
yes they will violate you in a second
I suspect that you were following Hilary and that your posts were in fact racist. Questions are removed because they breach YA guidelines!!!
But do carry on trying to post as it does show that Hilary and her supporters are dragging politics from the gutter and into the sewer and taking Americas reputation with it.
All sensible Americans should now be shouting aloud ';ANYONE BUT HILARY';!!!!!
Yes I think so too!
Several of my questions were also deleted. They were questions that didn't make Obama look good.Is Campaign Obama trying to censor YA?
Yes the censorship on YA is reaching new heights, a sign of things to come if America elects Obama. I had a lot of questions and answers taken down, I have never seen such censorship in America.
It's incredible that you can make that claim with a straight face. Do you not see all of the similar comments on here? If that were the case 75% of this stuff would not be on here.
no, it's not a conspiracy against you
there are rules about using YA
';Venting, ranting, or using hate speech.
Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers. Read more %26gt;';
It's not him, there are other forces behind that.
Just be careful what you write at all times.
YA owns the servers. And YA is competing with Google. To put YA higher in Google search engines it needs more ';information'; sites. Yahoo Answers is for real questions looking for real answers. If you are trying to just make a point with your ';question';, or start a discussion, (like this question we are in) then it can get deleted.
Try going to groups.yahoo instead. Thats what that is for.
It's a no-brainer that YOU need to watch your content in your posts and change your behavior.
That's so obvious to us, now you run with it. Keep control of your posts that they do not violate the guidelines, BRAIN.
yes they will violate you in a second
I suspect that you were following Hilary and that your posts were in fact racist. Questions are removed because they breach YA guidelines!!!
But do carry on trying to post as it does show that Hilary and her supporters are dragging politics from the gutter and into the sewer and taking Americas reputation with it.
All sensible Americans should now be shouting aloud ';ANYONE BUT HILARY';!!!!!
Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
like are the people who donate campaign contributions considered to be lobbyists? or is it only if it's coming from a corporation with motives?Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Not technically, but may as well be.
Corporations (and corporate officers) should not be allowed to donate to the political process.Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Lobbying and campaign contributions are two different things, even though one company or special interest group may do both.Scooter
Not technically, but may as well be.
Corporations (and corporate officers) should not be allowed to donate to the political process.Is campaign contributions considered lobbying?
Lobbying and campaign contributions are two different things, even though one company or special interest group may do both.
Hi All Plz help me fine a campaign that will boost sales of a Affordable luxury car?
?? wht promotion will lead u to buy a car if it is nice car affordable and powerful and you have the money?Hi All Plz help me fine a campaign that will boost sales of a Affordable luxury car?
As someone who spent five years in the business of promoting both a typical automotive brand and a luxury automotive brand, allow me to say this: you're asking people on Yahoo! Answers to brainstorm campaign ideas? Between that fact, and the example of your writing that your question represents, I must assume (or at least hope) you are either an intern at an advertising agency (in which case you'll be handed your hat soon) or you're a student in a marketing class (in which case you're likely not getting good grades.)
So, with that assumption in place, here's what I recommend: Go out and expose yourself to automotive advertising campaigns in all available mediums. Learn from what works and what doesn't work in the real world. And remember this: when you ask consumers to design your ad campaigns (as you're doing here) all you're going to do is generate ad campaigns that consumers have already thought of, and so will be boring to them. That, or they'll say something that makes perfect sense but is actually not at all what they really want, because they're answering you with their head -- but your ad campaign is supposed to win over their heart.
As someone who spent five years in the business of promoting both a typical automotive brand and a luxury automotive brand, allow me to say this: you're asking people on Yahoo! Answers to brainstorm campaign ideas? Between that fact, and the example of your writing that your question represents, I must assume (or at least hope) you are either an intern at an advertising agency (in which case you'll be handed your hat soon) or you're a student in a marketing class (in which case you're likely not getting good grades.)
So, with that assumption in place, here's what I recommend: Go out and expose yourself to automotive advertising campaigns in all available mediums. Learn from what works and what doesn't work in the real world. And remember this: when you ask consumers to design your ad campaigns (as you're doing here) all you're going to do is generate ad campaigns that consumers have already thought of, and so will be boring to them. That, or they'll say something that makes perfect sense but is actually not at all what they really want, because they're answering you with their head -- but your ad campaign is supposed to win over their heart.
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
Where are the clothes? Why haven't we heard about a charity auction that was promised?
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
This shouldn't even be an issue. Our society is so focused on scrutinizing people for one thing that they have done more thinking about themselves than others.Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
One third of her clothes have been donated with the rest to be donated now.
those clothes will most likely never see a charity auction. Not before they get worn out anyway.
They donated them to me' I'm wearing her thong as I write this.
Yes, she doesn't need them anymore. But, YOU don't need
to know where and when and to whom.
Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
This shouldn't even be an issue. Our society is so focused on scrutinizing people for one thing that they have done more thinking about themselves than others.Has the GOP donated Sarah Palin's campaign clothes?
One third of her clothes have been donated with the rest to be donated now.
those clothes will most likely never see a charity auction. Not before they get worn out anyway.
They donated them to me' I'm wearing her thong as I write this.
Yes, she doesn't need them anymore. But, YOU don't need
to know where and when and to whom.
How many levels does the Halo 3 campaign mode have?
Nine.How many levels does the Halo 3 campaign mode have?
there should be 9 if I remember correctly
there should be 9 if I remember correctly
Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
I am running for office for my city. I have been receiving a lot of stuff in the mail. For example www.promoprintinggroup.com
If you know any one that can give a deal in New England or any reommendation that would be nice.Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
http://www.CustomInk.com will be good for shirts.
If you know any one that can give a deal in New England or any reommendation that would be nice.Does any body have good recommendation for campaign signs and stuff?
http://www.CustomInk.com will be good for shirts.
Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
I have just installed Medieval Total War and the Viking Invasion expansion pack. I can play individual battles and the battle tutorial levels but everytime it tries to load the campaign mode or campaign tutorials it just closes down to my desktop. I have tried numerous times to reload it but it always closes down and my PC has all the specifications needed fo the game to function
Anybody have any ideas??Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Maybe the cd has been scratched try and wipe it re-install over again.Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Yeah that happens to me too! I've tried lots of things but it still doesn't work, it's so annoying. I thought that that only happened on my computer but I guess not.
Anybody have any ideas??Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Maybe the cd has been scratched try and wipe it re-install over again.Why wont Medieval Total War play the campaign mode on my PC?
Yeah that happens to me too! I've tried lots of things but it still doesn't work, it's so annoying. I thought that that only happened on my computer but I guess not.
Report Abuse
How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
Ok so if you were Hilary Clinton's campaign advisor, what would you tell her to do to improve her strategy as a front runner in the election...serious answers only!!! what should she focus on? what should she avoid? how can she win more states/voters? anything???How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
Her biggest campaigning problem in my opinion is she is always changing her approach. Obama has a pretty unified message about change that has sometimes been very effective, sometimes less effective, but he has kept with it for the most part and I think it's paid off for him. Hillary seems to be in constant change of what her message and main focus should be... some times she is in clear attack mode, some times she talks about experiences, sometimes change. And every couple of weeks she changes her slogans. For me, this technique makes her appear that she is constantly questioning herself and appears more desperate.
I think that if she would just ignore Obama, and focus on why we need a change of direction, she would do much better. She shouldn't mention his name, she shouldn't infer him, she shouldn't talk about how much experience she has. She should just focus on how we should transcend to the next century.
There has been a few times that she has done this, where it seems she is using Obama's speech herself, and I think that has been some of her most successful moments. She should just turn off the tv and play win or lose one solid technique... otherwise she really will loose. Betting on super delegates or Ohio and Pennsylvania in March are as logical as Gulliani betting in Florida as if momentum from the others would never effect the state.How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
I would tell her to send her Arkansas hit squad to run over Obama with a black van. That would solve the problem.
The problem is not the campaign manager. The problem is her chief strategist, Mark Penn. Penn devised a plan for Hillary to run on experience. That's why we all hear '; 35 years'; so often. But the young voters ( 19-29) and the independent voters don't care about experience... they want to hear anout the future. That's why they vote for Obama...that's a large part of his platform. Mark Penn is a large part off why she has lost some states.
Pray that Obama takes more debates so you can highlight the differences between you and him.
Go after his policy in a way that you really haven't. If you want to push the empty suit narrative, prove it.
Go on Yahoo Answers and post every 30 minutes about his middle name being Hussein. Sure, you come off looking crazy, but it'll be worth it!
Put duct tape over her mouth.
Attack Obama about were is the beef??? What does he stand for??
She should start saying The people need HELP not hope.
';kill Bill';, I think it was a movie but it sure wouldn't hurt her. She could use the same methods she used in the past to make it look like an accident. She would crank in the votes. Poor me, boo hoo with some more tears. My husband was killed by a crazed Obama fan, what an Obamination that is!
Well alot of people see her for what she is. And thats what her problem is. In her core she is a power hungry person who will use any and all methods to obtain that power.
You know planting people in speech audiences, changing positions on major issues when its politically convienient, pretending things about her self and what she has done that werent true and claiming things that hasnt done are true.
I think this is again a core part of her personality, its who she is. And I just do not want to have anything to do with that.
First lets look at the facts:
1. His supporters don't care about the truth.
2. You can not tell the truth on him or the media will go berserk.
3. The people who support him disregard any negative truths about him.
4. He is very good at winning caucus states
5. He has the Black vote.
Now, this is what Hillary needs to do: Forget about changing minds on Obama side. She needs to make sure her supporters get to the polls each and everyone of them. She needs to contact supporters in each community in Texas and Ohio and let the foot soldiers go door to door for her. She needs to cut ties with negative media that tries to turn her every word negative. It also needs to be know that whomever doesn't stand with her now will pay the price when she is President. She needs to work for every vote and make sure Obama does not win it outright, if she can steal Virginia or even make it a tight race. She will shut up many people because no one can hear the truth with so much noise. Obama is about noise and hype and right now that noise is drowning out the truth but we can get the room real quiet with a win in Virginia. I also believe we can take Hawaii. '; It is not the swift nor the strong who wins the race but the one who endures.';
Get rid of hillary and send a new candidate to her campaign
The economy. That's by far the biggest accomplishment of the Clinton years. And it's a major concern right now. She's very good with facts and figures, and if she gets specific, and drives the point home again and again, she'll persuade folks that she can get us out of financial trouble, as her husband did in the past.
Regarding Bill, he shouldn't completely disappear. But he needs to be positive and supportive. Best would be if he lays it on thick about Hillary's talents, and says nothing at all about Obama.Scooter
Her biggest campaigning problem in my opinion is she is always changing her approach. Obama has a pretty unified message about change that has sometimes been very effective, sometimes less effective, but he has kept with it for the most part and I think it's paid off for him. Hillary seems to be in constant change of what her message and main focus should be... some times she is in clear attack mode, some times she talks about experiences, sometimes change. And every couple of weeks she changes her slogans. For me, this technique makes her appear that she is constantly questioning herself and appears more desperate.
I think that if she would just ignore Obama, and focus on why we need a change of direction, she would do much better. She shouldn't mention his name, she shouldn't infer him, she shouldn't talk about how much experience she has. She should just focus on how we should transcend to the next century.
There has been a few times that she has done this, where it seems she is using Obama's speech herself, and I think that has been some of her most successful moments. She should just turn off the tv and play win or lose one solid technique... otherwise she really will loose. Betting on super delegates or Ohio and Pennsylvania in March are as logical as Gulliani betting in Florida as if momentum from the others would never effect the state.How to improve Hilary Clinton's campaign approach??
I would tell her to send her Arkansas hit squad to run over Obama with a black van. That would solve the problem.
The problem is not the campaign manager. The problem is her chief strategist, Mark Penn. Penn devised a plan for Hillary to run on experience. That's why we all hear '; 35 years'; so often. But the young voters ( 19-29) and the independent voters don't care about experience... they want to hear anout the future. That's why they vote for Obama...that's a large part of his platform. Mark Penn is a large part off why she has lost some states.
Pray that Obama takes more debates so you can highlight the differences between you and him.
Go after his policy in a way that you really haven't. If you want to push the empty suit narrative, prove it.
Go on Yahoo Answers and post every 30 minutes about his middle name being Hussein. Sure, you come off looking crazy, but it'll be worth it!
Put duct tape over her mouth.
Attack Obama about were is the beef??? What does he stand for??
She should start saying The people need HELP not hope.
';kill Bill';, I think it was a movie but it sure wouldn't hurt her. She could use the same methods she used in the past to make it look like an accident. She would crank in the votes. Poor me, boo hoo with some more tears. My husband was killed by a crazed Obama fan, what an Obamination that is!
Well alot of people see her for what she is. And thats what her problem is. In her core she is a power hungry person who will use any and all methods to obtain that power.
You know planting people in speech audiences, changing positions on major issues when its politically convienient, pretending things about her self and what she has done that werent true and claiming things that hasnt done are true.
I think this is again a core part of her personality, its who she is. And I just do not want to have anything to do with that.
First lets look at the facts:
1. His supporters don't care about the truth.
2. You can not tell the truth on him or the media will go berserk.
3. The people who support him disregard any negative truths about him.
4. He is very good at winning caucus states
5. He has the Black vote.
Now, this is what Hillary needs to do: Forget about changing minds on Obama side. She needs to make sure her supporters get to the polls each and everyone of them. She needs to contact supporters in each community in Texas and Ohio and let the foot soldiers go door to door for her. She needs to cut ties with negative media that tries to turn her every word negative. It also needs to be know that whomever doesn't stand with her now will pay the price when she is President. She needs to work for every vote and make sure Obama does not win it outright, if she can steal Virginia or even make it a tight race. She will shut up many people because no one can hear the truth with so much noise. Obama is about noise and hype and right now that noise is drowning out the truth but we can get the room real quiet with a win in Virginia. I also believe we can take Hawaii. '; It is not the swift nor the strong who wins the race but the one who endures.';
Get rid of hillary and send a new candidate to her campaign
The economy. That's by far the biggest accomplishment of the Clinton years. And it's a major concern right now. She's very good with facts and figures, and if she gets specific, and drives the point home again and again, she'll persuade folks that she can get us out of financial trouble, as her husband did in the past.
Regarding Bill, he shouldn't completely disappear. But he needs to be positive and supportive. Best would be if he lays it on thick about Hillary's talents, and says nothing at all about Obama.
Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
Yes But you could Donate To His Back Tax Fund Maybe Palin will pick Him For VP in 2012Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
Looks like you should be investing in Israel since with a Obama presidency it will lead to its demise....... WAIT my bad, Joe's a moron.Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
No, send it to me I'll give it to him
A guy who is a liar and a tax cheat. Any true christian would find him to be the wrong choice. This guy even lied about Obama wanting to destroy Israel. I will be praying for you.
McCain gets some of his proceeds, since he was the one that fabricated the whole issue.
Just when I thought you people couldn't possibly get any stupider. Wow.
Well he is taking up the role of Secretary of the treasury under the McPalin administration.
So right now he is being briefed on things like credit default swaps libor rates etc.
he maybe your best candidate republickans
Maybe he'll be as good a President as George the Baseball team manager who should have never set foot inside the White House.
A Christian wants to give a wife beating liar money?
Wait till November 5th to help pay of the McCain campaign debt.
That would be hysterical. He wouldn't get a penny from me though.
Joe The Plumber?
What a joke
Why would you want to vote for a racist, pathological liar like Joe the No-Plumber.
If you want to donate, give to a worthy cause as your Church.
He probably would prefer you to buy his book or his records - I hear he has a book deal and a recording contract in the works. At least that's what his ';publicist'; says.
The guy is a tool . . . why donate money to him? He asked a question of Obama, and it was a fair question, and he received a good answer. McCain then thrust him onto the national stage. He is not a bright guy. He thinks an Obama Presidency will end Israel. He is probably barely able to identify Israel on a map. He has demonstrated himself to be intellectually challenged . . . a tragic tale of a person be extended way beyond his capacity to perform.
what you want to give him money for what? he has not helped us in any way.
Donate money to his publicist so he can get his music career up and started. He's a jack-a s s.
No wonder his wife left him.
I don't think so!
Looks like you should be investing in Israel since with a Obama presidency it will lead to its demise....... WAIT my bad, Joe's a moron.Is it too early to donate money to Joe the Plumber's congressional campaign?
No, send it to me I'll give it to him
A guy who is a liar and a tax cheat. Any true christian would find him to be the wrong choice. This guy even lied about Obama wanting to destroy Israel. I will be praying for you.
McCain gets some of his proceeds, since he was the one that fabricated the whole issue.
Just when I thought you people couldn't possibly get any stupider. Wow.
Well he is taking up the role of Secretary of the treasury under the McPalin administration.
So right now he is being briefed on things like credit default swaps libor rates etc.
he maybe your best candidate republickans
Maybe he'll be as good a President as George the Baseball team manager who should have never set foot inside the White House.
A Christian wants to give a wife beating liar money?
Wait till November 5th to help pay of the McCain campaign debt.
That would be hysterical. He wouldn't get a penny from me though.
Joe The Plumber?
What a joke
Why would you want to vote for a racist, pathological liar like Joe the No-Plumber.
If you want to donate, give to a worthy cause as your Church.
He probably would prefer you to buy his book or his records - I hear he has a book deal and a recording contract in the works. At least that's what his ';publicist'; says.
The guy is a tool . . . why donate money to him? He asked a question of Obama, and it was a fair question, and he received a good answer. McCain then thrust him onto the national stage. He is not a bright guy. He thinks an Obama Presidency will end Israel. He is probably barely able to identify Israel on a map. He has demonstrated himself to be intellectually challenged . . . a tragic tale of a person be extended way beyond his capacity to perform.
what you want to give him money for what? he has not helped us in any way.
Donate money to his publicist so he can get his music career up and started. He's a jack-a s s.
No wonder his wife left him.
I don't think so!
What is the significance in Iowa state for USA 2008 presidential candidates campaign? And what is a ';caucus';?
The signifiance is that this is the only time anyone will pay attention to what people in Iowa have to say.
A caucus is open meeting where people cast their votes.
After tonight all the canidates will be burning rubber to get to NH for the next race never to return.
It is the start of the race and it is like a horse race after the gates are open and the horses are gone you never see the gate tell the next race.What is the significance in Iowa state for USA 2008 presidential candidates campaign? And what is a ';caucus';?
The candidates that are low in the polls will drop out and throw their support behind someone else.
A caucus is open meeting where people cast their votes.
After tonight all the canidates will be burning rubber to get to NH for the next race never to return.
It is the start of the race and it is like a horse race after the gates are open and the horses are gone you never see the gate tell the next race.What is the significance in Iowa state for USA 2008 presidential candidates campaign? And what is a ';caucus';?
The candidates that are low in the polls will drop out and throw their support behind someone else.
Do I still get the ';Campaign Complete: Legendary Achievement'; if I do half lvls alone, and half co-op?
Lets say I beat the first 5 levels on Single Player and got the achievements for those, and then did the rest of the levels on Co-Op, and get the achievements for those, do I still get the ';Campaign Complete: Legendary (or whatever difficulty I did) Achievement'; even if I didn't do the whole game by myself, or all with a friend?Do I still get the ';Campaign Complete: Legendary Achievement'; if I do half lvls alone, and half co-op?
Yes, you should still get the achievement. Also, I'm pretty sure if you beat it on Legendary, you get the achievements for beating it on the lower difficulties as well.
Yes, you should still get the achievement. Also, I'm pretty sure if you beat it on Legendary, you get the achievements for beating it on the lower difficulties as well.
When is next tanzanian election campaign?
I need to go there but not at tah period, I want to find out about a project to help poor childrenWhen is next tanzanian election campaign?
Who caresWhen is next tanzanian election campaign?
I have less idea than you!
Who caresWhen is next tanzanian election campaign?
I have less idea than you!
How much is the Clintoon campaign paying rev Wright???
I wonder if they are footing the bill on his 10 million dollar house???How much is the Clintoon campaign paying rev Wright???
Wright is on a big ego trip of his own. He loves being controversial and in the spotlight. No one has to pay him to act like a fool. He can do it on his own.How much is the Clintoon campaign paying rev Wright???
Clinton's campaign has probably promise him the Vice Presidency. OOPs! She lied once again!
Thank God Obama is finally speaking out against this nutcase. He has stabbed Obama in the back to get publicity for himself. I just hope it's not too late. The Repubs are loving every minute of this. It could sink Obama. Terrible.
Nothing,this clown is doing this to drum up support for his book he writing.He`s hoping it will become a must read.It all about money he`s hoping to get.
This one is totallly free, direct from Obama himself.
Wright is on a big ego trip of his own. He loves being controversial and in the spotlight. No one has to pay him to act like a fool. He can do it on his own.How much is the Clintoon campaign paying rev Wright???
Clinton's campaign has probably promise him the Vice Presidency. OOPs! She lied once again!
Report Abuse
Thank God Obama is finally speaking out against this nutcase. He has stabbed Obama in the back to get publicity for himself. I just hope it's not too late. The Repubs are loving every minute of this. It could sink Obama. Terrible.
Report Abuse
Nothing,this clown is doing this to drum up support for his book he writing.He`s hoping it will become a must read.It all about money he`s hoping to get.
This one is totallly free, direct from Obama himself.
I can't decide who is more annoying. Hillary Clinton or her campaign staff? Your thoughts?
Just remember Hillary is responsible as a ';leader'; to set the tone which she does behind closed doors. Publicly she denounces any knowledge of their acclaimed dirty tricks. Old politics, very dirty.The final say is in the hands of the voters perception and final decision! I think it is more a disappointment in Hillary as a woman than annoying.I can't decide who is more annoying. Hillary Clinton or her campaign staff? Your thoughts?
Hillary Clinton definitely but I do commend her staff for not giving up HOPE that even though she has lost 12 in a row and will continue to lose, they will still keep their jobs until she is done.I can't decide who is more annoying. Hillary Clinton or her campaign staff? Your thoughts?
Hillary's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
im still not sure about her, but i just can't stand her brown suits!
anyone agree with me?^
I think its a tie between Hillary and Obama the real people, the staff is just an extension of these two people.
Do they give you real answers? Obama's people just chant change and hope several times.
The campaign staffers are paid to be annoying, Hillary was born that way. I wounder how we can ease the pain of the Hillary supporters, nails in her coffin are being nailed in at this very moment. Bye bye Hildabeast... can't say I will miss you.
Hillary is a loser.Scooter
Hillary Clinton definitely but I do commend her staff for not giving up HOPE that even though she has lost 12 in a row and will continue to lose, they will still keep their jobs until she is done.I can't decide who is more annoying. Hillary Clinton or her campaign staff? Your thoughts?
Hillary's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
im still not sure about her, but i just can't stand her brown suits!
anyone agree with me?^
I think its a tie between Hillary and Obama the real people, the staff is just an extension of these two people.
Do they give you real answers? Obama's people just chant change and hope several times.
The campaign staffers are paid to be annoying, Hillary was born that way. I wounder how we can ease the pain of the Hillary supporters, nails in her coffin are being nailed in at this very moment. Bye bye Hildabeast... can't say I will miss you.
Hillary is a loser.
What was the Civil Rights Campaign? How did it affect/change the USA?
The African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955鈥?968) refers to the reform movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring Suffrage in Southern states. This article covers the phase of the movement between 1954 and 1968, particularly in the South. By 1966, the emergence of the Black Power Movement, which lasted roughly from 1966 to 1975, enlarged the aims of the Civil Rights Movement to include racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from oppression by whites.
Many of those who were active in the Civil Rights Movement, with organizations such as NAACP, SNCC, CORE and SCLC, prefer the term ';Southern Freedom Movement'; because the struggle was about far more than just civil rights under law; it was also about fundamental issues of freedom, respect, dignity, and economic and social equality.
During the period 1955鈥?968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, educational institutions, and communities often had to respond immediately to crisis situations which highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included boycotts such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955鈥?956) in Alabama; ';sit-ins'; such as the influential Greensboro sit-in (1960) in North Carolina; marches, such as the Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities.
Noted legislative achievements during this phase of the Civil Rights Movement were passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination in employment practices and public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that restored and protected voting rights; the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, that dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional European groups; and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. African Americans re-entered politics in the South, and across the country young people were inspired to action.
Many of those who were active in the Civil Rights Movement, with organizations such as NAACP, SNCC, CORE and SCLC, prefer the term ';Southern Freedom Movement'; because the struggle was about far more than just civil rights under law; it was also about fundamental issues of freedom, respect, dignity, and economic and social equality.
During the period 1955鈥?968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, educational institutions, and communities often had to respond immediately to crisis situations which highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included boycotts such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955鈥?956) in Alabama; ';sit-ins'; such as the influential Greensboro sit-in (1960) in North Carolina; marches, such as the Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities.
Noted legislative achievements during this phase of the Civil Rights Movement were passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination in employment practices and public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that restored and protected voting rights; the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, that dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional European groups; and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. African Americans re-entered politics in the South, and across the country young people were inspired to action.
For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
This is the most basic question she (and her supporters) now need to ask - Obama has taken the worst she can offer and still emerged victorious, losing blue-collar filled Indiana by only 22,000 votes.
So what is this election about now: her (and her husband's)ego, or our country's future?For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
It has always been about Hillary Clinton's ego.
And of course Billy-bob wants her to get back into the White House. That's where all the interns are!
Anyway... If Hill cared anything about our nation or about her party, she would have dropped out when it became clear she could not get the necessary votes to secure nomination. Instead, she has dragged this campaign on months longer than it should have been. She may just single-handedly destroy the democratic party.For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
I totally agree.... She can't catch him in pledged delegates... and now its almost impossible to catch him in popular votes.... even if you include FL and MI...
I truly feel that if she continues its only to hurt the party
Sadly, her ego keeps telling her to go. She should stop now and try to reunite the party.
Hers, Obama's is about our future
Her ego!
Its about blacks vs whites. always has been.
shut your pie hole!
Great question! Have a star!
If she continues, then its not about our country, but her ego
So what is this election about now: her (and her husband's)ego, or our country's future?For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
It has always been about Hillary Clinton's ego.
And of course Billy-bob wants her to get back into the White House. That's where all the interns are!
Anyway... If Hill cared anything about our nation or about her party, she would have dropped out when it became clear she could not get the necessary votes to secure nomination. Instead, she has dragged this campaign on months longer than it should have been. She may just single-handedly destroy the democratic party.For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
I totally agree.... She can't catch him in pledged delegates... and now its almost impossible to catch him in popular votes.... even if you include FL and MI...
I truly feel that if she continues its only to hurt the party
Sadly, her ego keeps telling her to go. She should stop now and try to reunite the party.
Hers, Obama's is about our future
Her ego!
Its about blacks vs whites. always has been.
shut your pie hole!
Great question! Have a star!
If she continues, then its not about our country, but her ego
Does anyone know how many email addresses John McCain used in his campaign?
In 2004 the RNC had a list of 3 million addresses. For this campaign I heard Obama had about 10 million. Any reliable figure for McCain? w/ sourcesif possible.
thanksDoes anyone know how many email addresses John McCain used in his campaign?
That will change. The RNC is revamping and you will no longer have the same names at the top any more. Michael Steele will lead the RNC into the 21st century. He has new ideas and core principles.
We lost focus and see it is time to rebuild. See you is 2012.
✰✰✰-USA-✰✰✰Does anyone know how many email addresses John McCain used in his campaign?
No, sorry.....don't know.
McCain is still at the station, waiting for the Pony Express to come in, with the results from those distant outposts.
Nobody cares about McCain anymore. But obviously it wasn't enough.
Mccain never took the time to learn how to use a computer. If I saw him right now I would high five him, oh yea, he cant do that either.
John McCain doesn't use a computer therefore NONE!
You can send out email on an abacus? Who knew...
No. Maybe Todd Palin knows, he did a lot of emailing.
He never got beyond stone tablets.
thanksDoes anyone know how many email addresses John McCain used in his campaign?
That will change. The RNC is revamping and you will no longer have the same names at the top any more. Michael Steele will lead the RNC into the 21st century. He has new ideas and core principles.
We lost focus and see it is time to rebuild. See you is 2012.
✰✰✰-USA-✰✰✰Does anyone know how many email addresses John McCain used in his campaign?
No, sorry.....don't know.
McCain is still at the station, waiting for the Pony Express to come in, with the results from those distant outposts.
Nobody cares about McCain anymore. But obviously it wasn't enough.
Mccain never took the time to learn how to use a computer. If I saw him right now I would high five him, oh yea, he cant do that either.
John McCain doesn't use a computer therefore NONE!
You can send out email on an abacus? Who knew...
No. Maybe Todd Palin knows, he did a lot of emailing.
He never got beyond stone tablets.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What do you think of Obama's sudden hedging on using Public campaign funds v privately?
raised funds? Is this his way of saying his so-called change has already been bought by special interests??What do you think of Obama's sudden hedging on using Public campaign funds v privately?
He is already bought and paid for- he knows he cannot turn back.
His ';change'; campaign is a farce. He is a puppet- a charismatic, good looking, excellent speaking, puppet. Look at his campaign contributions so far. Does anyone think he won't be beholden to these people if he gets elected?What do you think of Obama's sudden hedging on using Public campaign funds v privately?
A nonissue being made into one.
No. Obama never said tha the would definately accept public funding. That statent by McCain is an out right lie. Wha tObama did say was that he was generally positive toward doing so, bu the did NOT make a definate committment to do so.
The right-wing just got caught in anoter lie, in other words.
Over 300,000 small donors is not special interests.
Next, he thought about using public funds but has been warned not to because
1) he would have to return the $3 million he has already collected towards the general election
2) It will limit his ability to respond to any 527 attack ads leveled against him in a general election, the unintended consequence of the McCain Feingold campaign finance reform bill which allowed these groups to sprout up and literally force candidates to raise a large sum of money in order to defend against negative attacks from these groups.
Because he wants to continue to collect foreign contributions from questionable sources.
why would he limit his funds when corporations have promissed him an unlimited line of funds for being their charismatic shill?
amazing how all of the corporations have thrown 10s of millions at him with 'no strings attached' lol
amazing nobody ever asks themselves about that, and wonders why all his happy talk is so vague
He is already bought and paid for- he knows he cannot turn back.
His ';change'; campaign is a farce. He is a puppet- a charismatic, good looking, excellent speaking, puppet. Look at his campaign contributions so far. Does anyone think he won't be beholden to these people if he gets elected?What do you think of Obama's sudden hedging on using Public campaign funds v privately?
A nonissue being made into one.
No. Obama never said tha the would definately accept public funding. That statent by McCain is an out right lie. Wha tObama did say was that he was generally positive toward doing so, bu the did NOT make a definate committment to do so.
The right-wing just got caught in anoter lie, in other words.
Over 300,000 small donors is not special interests.
Next, he thought about using public funds but has been warned not to because
1) he would have to return the $3 million he has already collected towards the general election
2) It will limit his ability to respond to any 527 attack ads leveled against him in a general election, the unintended consequence of the McCain Feingold campaign finance reform bill which allowed these groups to sprout up and literally force candidates to raise a large sum of money in order to defend against negative attacks from these groups.
Because he wants to continue to collect foreign contributions from questionable sources.
why would he limit his funds when corporations have promissed him an unlimited line of funds for being their charismatic shill?
amazing how all of the corporations have thrown 10s of millions at him with 'no strings attached' lol
amazing nobody ever asks themselves about that, and wonders why all his happy talk is so vague
Do You Think The Smear Campaign on Rush Limbaugh has Hurt the Democrats?
I mean even Senator John Edwards wife has joined the fray, and went on record to say that she was appalled at what Rush said. She did not hear him say anything. She was just speculating from what she heard from Rep. Harry Reid and Tom Harkin. Do we really want leaders who verbally assassinate citizens without the substance to back up their rhetoric?Do You Think The Smear Campaign on Rush Limbaugh has Hurt the Democrats?
47 ANSWERS ABOVE ME !!! Moody, I have not read any of the 47, I simply feel this way ::
Never should ANY Elected official be allowed to use their position of trust to attack ANY AMERICAN, simply because the politician does not like what a / any citizen Say's !!!
MY G*D PEOPLE Think about what is going on, here!!!! Irregardless of who, where, when, what, TO YES or No support the troupes, IS A FREEDOM / CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF EVERY AMERICAN !!!!!!!!
THIS is about the most flagrant violation of the Constitutional Protected Freedoms we have in the HISTORY OF THE U.S.A., SINCE 1776, AND THERE HAS NOW BEEN ESTABLISHED A PRECEDENCE OF USURPING / NEGATING THAT RIGHT!!!!!
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ??????????????????Do You Think The Smear Campaign on Rush Limbaugh has Hurt the Democrats?
I don't really think it has hurt them. The reason being that they immediately manufactured the SCHIP controversy to change the subject. Since then most easily distracted people (aka Democrats) have been screeching about it nonstop.
It sure hasn't helped them and it hasn't caused anyone to forget the dems who wouldn't condemn the stupid betrayus ad.
No. Rush is a bad entertainer. It will be forgotten completely in a week or two.
That's like asking if the Republicans attacked Rosie, would it hurt them.
It's not a smear campaign becaus the dems were telling the truth. The unedited audio proves that.
Why do you defend such a loud mouth lying slouch as Rush Limbaugh? The fact that you back Rush and his lies and hatred up with thinking that he is intelligent proves that the GOP dumbing down of America is working. The man gets what he deserves for acting like a baffoon and opening his big fat mouth. He does it all by himself. You act like he's a victim or something. Let me ask you a question, what substance has ever come out of Rush's mouth? None, he's a lying coward. It would be miraculous to say the least, if any truth ever came out of Rush's mouth at all. It's obvious that he's a pathological liar. If the Dems did finally stand up to him and the GOP fascist machine that would not only be a miracle but it would lead me to have hope that the Dems were finally starting to grow something that resembles a spine.
BTW, the fact that you can't see that the GOP has been engaged in nothing but smear campaigns for the last 30 years makes me think that you are a hypocrite (something else the GOP is really good at) just like the rest of your GOP party.
No. ';Do we really want leaders who verbally assassinate citizens without the substance to back up their rhetoric?'; LOL!
Apparently you do because that is the number one campaign tactic used be the republican party.
No it hasn't hurt a bit....
A. How do you know what Mrs. Edwards heard or didn't hear or where she gets her sources? I bet they are better than yours!!!!
B. She would not be a leader, her husband would be.
Rush Limbaugh is a celebrity......he puts his fat @ss out there so it gets nailed!
';Do we really want leaders who verbally assassinate citizens without the substance to back up their rhetoric?';
Hmm, ask the voters in Georgia after Saxby Chambliss smeared Max Cleland.
Ask John Kerry after the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush spewed their venom.
Ask any conservative who conflates antiwar activism with ';helping the terrorists.';
Ask the Republican congressman who are all atwitter over MoveOn's ad about David Petraeus, but are remarkably silent when a conservative magazine suggests that Petraeus is a lapdog for Bush.
I'm sure Elizabeth Edwards had access to the audiotape and/or the transcript of what Rush Limbaugh said. It's not a smear campaign because he actually said ';phony soldiers.'; And he compared men who appeared in commericals to VoteVets.org to suicide bombers! And you think he's the victim of a smear campaign? Any decent human being would be appalled by Rush's remarks.
Why would it? The only people that support Rush are extreme right-wingers...they would not be voting Democrat anyways.
Uh, no...because no one who takes Limbaugh seriously would ever vote Democrat anyway.
Everybody knows Rush is nuts, and anyone who takes him seriously is just as crazy. I think he says things for the shock and sensationalism for his program. I seriously think even he doesn't believe the crap he says.
Personally, I think they are just trying to get even over the Republican response to the moveon.org ad against General Petraeus.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, all this garbage only further disenfranchises the American populace from politics.
It should hurt the Democrats, but it ends up hurting us all.
Smear???Is that what you Republicans call the truth these days?
Why is it that I have Republican friends that are sick of Rush, but,yet here you guys worship him?
Nothing can help a political liberal unless they learn to shut up.
I yhink all its done has gotten more people to listen to Limbaugh.
LOL um no....All it does is energize the base. Independents don't care one way or another.....most of them don't listen to rush just like they don't care about moveon.org
The Scandal that was not. The Libs are running against limbaugh. Funny that the limp wrist running Media Matters David Brock gets to talk to the networks without showing his face to the public and working in tandem with Hillary Clinton and George Soros to smear anyone standing between Hillary and the Oval office. yoo hoo David Brock why don't you show your face and get in the water with the rest of us instead of hiding behind Hillarys pantsuit. You make the claim you should be a........whatever and defend your girlie man statement.
rush is a fat nazi gasbag. an entertainer of the lowest order. how can we have people like this influencing public opinion?
Please explain, if you can, how calling out Rush Limbaugh affects the Democrats at all. They don't listen to him. When he says something stupid, it's easy enough to pull up the conservation on the Internet and check it out - gee, do you think Elizabeth Edwards might have been smart enough to work a computer and do that? I heard both versions. The first and original one, which made it clear that Rush did indeed insult all soldiers who oppose the war; and the second edited edition, which puts Rush in a better light. Funny how he had to edit what he really said in order to defend himself isn't it?
The point is that no one but right wing cons take Rush Limbaugh seriously anyway. As though he could damage the Democrats by running his mouth. Anyone who is undecided at this point doesn't subscribe to right wing smear pundit opinions as their basis for making their decision, so who exactly is he convincing? He's preaching to his own choir, and they are the only ones who are ever swayed by his poisonous tripe.
Lately, Republicans have become so desperate they keep attributing some imagined change in the voting base simply because they feel they've scored some points. The last couple of weeks it was the MoveOn.Org ad. You all seemed convinced it had hurt the Democrats, and especially Sen. Clinton. Then this week her support numbers went through the roof. Get a clue. Just because Republicans feel like they scored some points doesn't mean the rest of the country agrees.
it helps them...no matter what they do it helps them because BECAUSE...the media are the 5th column in this country. They make the dems look good no matter what...look a t TK
Killed a woman and didnt report it and is still braying
Nope, not at all. Actually, I congradulate the Democrats for finally having a spine and answering back Rush's vitrolic character assassination, untruths and slanderous insinuations. Some of the Dems are finally starting to learn that you don't let any crap from the opposition go unanswered - something that Kerry didn't do with the Swift Boaters, unfortunately.
Hah. Smear Campaign. What rotgut! I think the rightwingers are shocked, surprised that the Democrats and liberals are finally giving it back to them! And what hypocrisy of Rush and his apologists to call it a smear campaign, when the denizens of Karl Rove and his like have been doing this in political campaigns for some time.
Note to Rush, Bush, and the GOP: We're not gonna take it anymore!
Quote from Jimmy Johnson, former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys: ';Nothing is more mournful than the cry of a bully who had the s*** stomped out of him.';
Smearing the smear king? nahhh
I don't see it makes a difference--it's red meat for the Dems, whoop te doo, but did anybody's mind get changed about anything? Are Rush listeners becoming Dems? Are Dems fed up with people deriding Rush? Same stuff, different day.
The soldier in question and a very few others are indeed phony soldiers.
The ';soldier'; in question didn't get through basic boot camp. He was discharged. He was found un fit. He was in the military for 42 days.
He THEN went on to claim he was a decorated war hero. He also made up charges that were IMPOSSIBLE for him to have seen.
Who are you going to believe?
I often disagree with Rush Limbaugh, but those who rant against him are less than American. - You go figure out what they are. They don't make enough sense to be worth my time spent writing this.
Whether you like Rush or not, does it make you wonder what they're up to in Congress when they take the time and effort to go after a talk show host, instead of doing their jobs?
It is hard to not see the tape of Limburger! The Democrats have nothing to do with what he said! He is a bigot and someone caught him on tape! Rather than him saying he made a mistake or that is not what he meant he lied about what he said! each time he lied more and more. So he dug his own grave. He needs to be fired just like IMUS was. Otherwise we can assume that FOX agrees with his bigotry and hatred of minorities!
Perhaps rather than blaming the Democrats as you have been programmed to do by the Right-Wing hate mongers, you should look at what he said and did? I suppose you call yourself a good Christian? So does that mean Good Christians are allowed to spread hatred and bigotry.
Time to wake up and look at who you idolize and what they have programmed you to think!
Nope this is the standard play from the Dumbocrats playbook they are smarting from the backlash from the movon.org slander so they make up and twist something into a lie and whine loudly using the Liberal media to assist them keep it going for a little while till it is proven a lie then it will be forgotten like it never happened and their one goal is to keep it going long enough to make people forget about the movon.org debacle but it won't work never does but that doesn't stop them from trying
It is the Democratic way and means nothing, dont worry about it Rush is laughing all the way to the Bank!~!
47 ANSWERS ABOVE ME !!! Moody, I have not read any of the 47, I simply feel this way ::
Never should ANY Elected official be allowed to use their position of trust to attack ANY AMERICAN, simply because the politician does not like what a / any citizen Say's !!!
MY G*D PEOPLE Think about what is going on, here!!!! Irregardless of who, where, when, what, TO YES or No support the troupes, IS A FREEDOM / CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF EVERY AMERICAN !!!!!!!!
THIS is about the most flagrant violation of the Constitutional Protected Freedoms we have in the HISTORY OF THE U.S.A., SINCE 1776, AND THERE HAS NOW BEEN ESTABLISHED A PRECEDENCE OF USURPING / NEGATING THAT RIGHT!!!!!
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ??????????????????Do You Think The Smear Campaign on Rush Limbaugh has Hurt the Democrats?
I don't really think it has hurt them. The reason being that they immediately manufactured the SCHIP controversy to change the subject. Since then most easily distracted people (aka Democrats) have been screeching about it nonstop.
It sure hasn't helped them and it hasn't caused anyone to forget the dems who wouldn't condemn the stupid betrayus ad.
No. Rush is a bad entertainer. It will be forgotten completely in a week or two.
That's like asking if the Republicans attacked Rosie, would it hurt them.
It's not a smear campaign becaus the dems were telling the truth. The unedited audio proves that.
Why do you defend such a loud mouth lying slouch as Rush Limbaugh? The fact that you back Rush and his lies and hatred up with thinking that he is intelligent proves that the GOP dumbing down of America is working. The man gets what he deserves for acting like a baffoon and opening his big fat mouth. He does it all by himself. You act like he's a victim or something. Let me ask you a question, what substance has ever come out of Rush's mouth? None, he's a lying coward. It would be miraculous to say the least, if any truth ever came out of Rush's mouth at all. It's obvious that he's a pathological liar. If the Dems did finally stand up to him and the GOP fascist machine that would not only be a miracle but it would lead me to have hope that the Dems were finally starting to grow something that resembles a spine.
BTW, the fact that you can't see that the GOP has been engaged in nothing but smear campaigns for the last 30 years makes me think that you are a hypocrite (something else the GOP is really good at) just like the rest of your GOP party.
No. ';Do we really want leaders who verbally assassinate citizens without the substance to back up their rhetoric?'; LOL!
Apparently you do because that is the number one campaign tactic used be the republican party.
No it hasn't hurt a bit....
A. How do you know what Mrs. Edwards heard or didn't hear or where she gets her sources? I bet they are better than yours!!!!
B. She would not be a leader, her husband would be.
Rush Limbaugh is a celebrity......he puts his fat @ss out there so it gets nailed!
';Do we really want leaders who verbally assassinate citizens without the substance to back up their rhetoric?';
Hmm, ask the voters in Georgia after Saxby Chambliss smeared Max Cleland.
Ask John Kerry after the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush spewed their venom.
Ask any conservative who conflates antiwar activism with ';helping the terrorists.';
Ask the Republican congressman who are all atwitter over MoveOn's ad about David Petraeus, but are remarkably silent when a conservative magazine suggests that Petraeus is a lapdog for Bush.
I'm sure Elizabeth Edwards had access to the audiotape and/or the transcript of what Rush Limbaugh said. It's not a smear campaign because he actually said ';phony soldiers.'; And he compared men who appeared in commericals to VoteVets.org to suicide bombers! And you think he's the victim of a smear campaign? Any decent human being would be appalled by Rush's remarks.
Why would it? The only people that support Rush are extreme right-wingers...they would not be voting Democrat anyways.
Uh, no...because no one who takes Limbaugh seriously would ever vote Democrat anyway.
Everybody knows Rush is nuts, and anyone who takes him seriously is just as crazy. I think he says things for the shock and sensationalism for his program. I seriously think even he doesn't believe the crap he says.
Personally, I think they are just trying to get even over the Republican response to the moveon.org ad against General Petraeus.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, all this garbage only further disenfranchises the American populace from politics.
It should hurt the Democrats, but it ends up hurting us all.
Smear???Is that what you Republicans call the truth these days?
Why is it that I have Republican friends that are sick of Rush, but,yet here you guys worship him?
Nothing can help a political liberal unless they learn to shut up.
I yhink all its done has gotten more people to listen to Limbaugh.
LOL um no....All it does is energize the base. Independents don't care one way or another.....most of them don't listen to rush just like they don't care about moveon.org
The Scandal that was not. The Libs are running against limbaugh. Funny that the limp wrist running Media Matters David Brock gets to talk to the networks without showing his face to the public and working in tandem with Hillary Clinton and George Soros to smear anyone standing between Hillary and the Oval office. yoo hoo David Brock why don't you show your face and get in the water with the rest of us instead of hiding behind Hillarys pantsuit. You make the claim you should be a........whatever and defend your girlie man statement.
rush is a fat nazi gasbag. an entertainer of the lowest order. how can we have people like this influencing public opinion?
Please explain, if you can, how calling out Rush Limbaugh affects the Democrats at all. They don't listen to him. When he says something stupid, it's easy enough to pull up the conservation on the Internet and check it out - gee, do you think Elizabeth Edwards might have been smart enough to work a computer and do that? I heard both versions. The first and original one, which made it clear that Rush did indeed insult all soldiers who oppose the war; and the second edited edition, which puts Rush in a better light. Funny how he had to edit what he really said in order to defend himself isn't it?
The point is that no one but right wing cons take Rush Limbaugh seriously anyway. As though he could damage the Democrats by running his mouth. Anyone who is undecided at this point doesn't subscribe to right wing smear pundit opinions as their basis for making their decision, so who exactly is he convincing? He's preaching to his own choir, and they are the only ones who are ever swayed by his poisonous tripe.
Lately, Republicans have become so desperate they keep attributing some imagined change in the voting base simply because they feel they've scored some points. The last couple of weeks it was the MoveOn.Org ad. You all seemed convinced it had hurt the Democrats, and especially Sen. Clinton. Then this week her support numbers went through the roof. Get a clue. Just because Republicans feel like they scored some points doesn't mean the rest of the country agrees.
it helps them...no matter what they do it helps them because BECAUSE...the media are the 5th column in this country. They make the dems look good no matter what...look a t TK
Killed a woman and didnt report it and is still braying
Nope, not at all. Actually, I congradulate the Democrats for finally having a spine and answering back Rush's vitrolic character assassination, untruths and slanderous insinuations. Some of the Dems are finally starting to learn that you don't let any crap from the opposition go unanswered - something that Kerry didn't do with the Swift Boaters, unfortunately.
Hah. Smear Campaign. What rotgut! I think the rightwingers are shocked, surprised that the Democrats and liberals are finally giving it back to them! And what hypocrisy of Rush and his apologists to call it a smear campaign, when the denizens of Karl Rove and his like have been doing this in political campaigns for some time.
Note to Rush, Bush, and the GOP: We're not gonna take it anymore!
Quote from Jimmy Johnson, former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys: ';Nothing is more mournful than the cry of a bully who had the s*** stomped out of him.';
Smearing the smear king? nahhh
I don't see it makes a difference--it's red meat for the Dems, whoop te doo, but did anybody's mind get changed about anything? Are Rush listeners becoming Dems? Are Dems fed up with people deriding Rush? Same stuff, different day.
The soldier in question and a very few others are indeed phony soldiers.
The ';soldier'; in question didn't get through basic boot camp. He was discharged. He was found un fit. He was in the military for 42 days.
He THEN went on to claim he was a decorated war hero. He also made up charges that were IMPOSSIBLE for him to have seen.
Who are you going to believe?
I often disagree with Rush Limbaugh, but those who rant against him are less than American. - You go figure out what they are. They don't make enough sense to be worth my time spent writing this.
Whether you like Rush or not, does it make you wonder what they're up to in Congress when they take the time and effort to go after a talk show host, instead of doing their jobs?
It is hard to not see the tape of Limburger! The Democrats have nothing to do with what he said! He is a bigot and someone caught him on tape! Rather than him saying he made a mistake or that is not what he meant he lied about what he said! each time he lied more and more. So he dug his own grave. He needs to be fired just like IMUS was. Otherwise we can assume that FOX agrees with his bigotry and hatred of minorities!
Perhaps rather than blaming the Democrats as you have been programmed to do by the Right-Wing hate mongers, you should look at what he said and did? I suppose you call yourself a good Christian? So does that mean Good Christians are allowed to spread hatred and bigotry.
Time to wake up and look at who you idolize and what they have programmed you to think!
Nope this is the standard play from the Dumbocrats playbook they are smarting from the backlash from the movon.org slander so they make up and twist something into a lie and whine loudly using the Liberal media to assist them keep it going for a little while till it is proven a lie then it will be forgotten like it never happened and their one goal is to keep it going long enough to make people forget about the movon.org debacle but it won't work never does but that doesn't stop them from trying
It is the Democratic way and means nothing, dont worry about it Rush is laughing all the way to the Bank!~!
Do You Think That Part Of Hillary's Campaign Strategy Is?
People being so disillusioned with the Presidential field that they simply WON'T VOTE?
I ask because I notice a lot of Democrats/Liberals who don't want her as President but also don't want a Republican as President.
Opinions?Do You Think That Part Of Hillary's Campaign Strategy Is?
A/M, HUSH UP !!!
You are alerting the Democrat 'faithfuls' as to what may be in store for the election. With a year yet to go, there will be a lot more of the '; Elite'; Dem's leaders opening up their mouths and blithering more SHI* !!!
Can you just imagine any of the ';OLD DAY'; Democrats, having to put up with the now domineering extreme lefty's ?
Enough to turn a chunk of marble to sand !
';Let sleeping dogs lay'; and ';don't mess with the bull';, '; All good things happen to those who have the Patience'; !!
';Devide and conquire, divide and conquire';, let us hope that Billary divides the Democrats and suffers ';';DEFEAT';'; !!!!Do You Think That Part Of Hillary's Campaign Strategy Is?
Liberals are notorious for not voting. The Republicans and conservatives however realize what a privilage it is to vote, and always go the polls.
She will have nothing to do with the way I vote!
That's only her strategy if she wants to lose, since the people who will be too disillusioned to vote will be Dems.
The only Clintons I'd vote for are Socks and Buddy. Oh no ,I can't. Buddy got whacked and Socks got the heave ho. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
My hope is that knowing more facts about her as time gets closer to the election, Democrats who intend to vote for her now, will see her for what she is, a liar and a thief.
Is this a pipe-dream?
Thanks to Peter Paul....below, Democrats can see for themselves.Scooter
I ask because I notice a lot of Democrats/Liberals who don't want her as President but also don't want a Republican as President.
Opinions?Do You Think That Part Of Hillary's Campaign Strategy Is?
A/M, HUSH UP !!!
You are alerting the Democrat 'faithfuls' as to what may be in store for the election. With a year yet to go, there will be a lot more of the '; Elite'; Dem's leaders opening up their mouths and blithering more SHI* !!!
Can you just imagine any of the ';OLD DAY'; Democrats, having to put up with the now domineering extreme lefty's ?
Enough to turn a chunk of marble to sand !
';Let sleeping dogs lay'; and ';don't mess with the bull';, '; All good things happen to those who have the Patience'; !!
';Devide and conquire, divide and conquire';, let us hope that Billary divides the Democrats and suffers ';';DEFEAT';'; !!!!Do You Think That Part Of Hillary's Campaign Strategy Is?
Liberals are notorious for not voting. The Republicans and conservatives however realize what a privilage it is to vote, and always go the polls.
She will have nothing to do with the way I vote!
That's only her strategy if she wants to lose, since the people who will be too disillusioned to vote will be Dems.
The only Clintons I'd vote for are Socks and Buddy. Oh no ,I can't. Buddy got whacked and Socks got the heave ho. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
My hope is that knowing more facts about her as time gets closer to the election, Democrats who intend to vote for her now, will see her for what she is, a liar and a thief.
Is this a pipe-dream?
Thanks to Peter Paul....below, Democrats can see for themselves.
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