Friday, February 12, 2010

For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?

This is the most basic question she (and her supporters) now need to ask - Obama has taken the worst she can offer and still emerged victorious, losing blue-collar filled Indiana by only 22,000 votes.

So what is this election about now: her (and her husband's)ego, or our country's future?For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
It has always been about Hillary Clinton's ego.

And of course Billy-bob wants her to get back into the White House. That's where all the interns are!

Anyway... If Hill cared anything about our nation or about her party, she would have dropped out when it became clear she could not get the necessary votes to secure nomination. Instead, she has dragged this campaign on months longer than it should have been. She may just single-handedly destroy the democratic party.For Clinton supporters: Is this campaign about our future, or hers?
I totally agree.... She can't catch him in pledged delegates... and now its almost impossible to catch him in popular votes.... even if you include FL and MI...

I truly feel that if she continues its only to hurt the party
Sadly, her ego keeps telling her to go. She should stop now and try to reunite the party.
Hers, Obama's is about our future
Her ego!
Its about blacks vs whites. always has been.
shut your pie hole!
Great question! Have a star!

If she continues, then its not about our country, but her ego

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