Friday, February 12, 2010

How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?

Donna Brazile of the DNC called Bill Clinton a racist....Donna is the racist and should be fired from the DNC! CNN uses her as an analyst....their mistake. How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
Obama didn't call McCain a racist either. I do however see racist emails from McCain supporters everyday. Obama has every right to recognize that these attacks do exist from McCain supporters.

These are not attacks on the issues, these are racist attacks. Are you one of them hiding behind a question on Yahoo?How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist?
I can't wait til they realize he is a Native American....and a Union Member.....and all those things they claim to represent.

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