Friday, February 12, 2010

Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?

He already said it may take me more than one term to deliver on what I told you I would do. Well, there you go...

If you believe that, i have a bridge that you may want to buy...Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
He has not even been inaugurated and already running for his second term...the arrogant ambition this guy has is shameless. He has no scruples.Obama has already back-slided on his campaign promises. What do you think now?
hey name one President that has delivered on there policies that they have promised?? None of them. Obama will be the same and so would have McCain.

However, Obama needed to be elected to tell the world that America does not have an apatheid electoral background. Also, McCain would have made Iraq worse and lost more international friendships due to the Iraq controversy which in turn would have made America's economy worse off. I am Australian and America relies on international trade and borrowing to keep its treasury afloat.

I believe that Obama just focusing on the national economy will bring you guys out of recession. The only reason why you guys are in recession is because of your failed policies in the banking sector as well as in the international arena in which McCain was going to bring back anyway.

First, i congratulate Obama on his success.


People at school are saying ';Hey, i bet 10 days until he is assassinated.';

a) Sympathy Votes. He got alot of them due to his grandmother whom he was close with passing away.

b) Without being racist, alot of ';Black Votes.'; How many black people in USA want to see a black person as president for the first time?

c) There is a chance he will be killed before his first term is over. There are so many white-supremacists in USA, its ridiculous.

I apologize to anyone I've offended with racist comments, I am not doing it intentionally.

I believe that he is just trying to give people what they want - and cutting a slice for himself. Why not give them what they want for a price? Vote him in for at least two terms. Blackmail, pure and simple.

I of course have no idea about american politics, i am a 14 year old australian.

I think that John McCain would've been alright, but we don't know enough about him. Obama has been in it sice the start. Hilary Clinton left it, and he came in. But still, we see more about Sarah Palin than about him.

Hope i've answered your question. I tend to rant.
Have you ever listened to his speaches? At every single one he says it wont be easy and wont be done quick, because Bush dug us in a deep hole. By the way, I was worried that McCain only wanted to run 1 term, because your not really hoping to change much in 1 term, though we know you can sure mess things up in 1 term dont we?
He's being realistic, and if anyone actually believed in all that glitter talk needs to go back to school. I just don't want a stubborn, belligerent, religious old man in the White House.

edit- What the ****, ';patriot'; got 7 thumbs up? Are people actually that ******* retarded? It seems I have credited the people on this forum too graciously with the titles such as ';vacuous, low-brow, or just plain stupid';
I believe it was McCain that said he would get the country out of debt in four years.Get off OBAMAS back give him a chance he deserves that much.It will probably take many years to get us back on the right track,remember BUSH or have you forgotten the eight years of H- - Lhe put all us through.
You're a pathetic excuse for an American pal!

The decent and honorable thing would be to say ';I supported the other candidate, but the majority of my fellow Americans voted for Obama so I'll do what I can to help him make my country a better place';

LOL! Barry already campaigning for a 2nd term. Well, he doesn't really know how to do anything in life but to seek promotions and offices. Now that he will actually have to show up to work and do something this will be a new world for him.
Let's be real, if people actually believed it would only take one term to fix our problems then people need a serious reality check.

We're still in debt, still behind in our education compared to other countries for many years, and other issues.

I could say the exact same thing for a lot of things that McCain has waffled on-- much more serious lies than a little reality check. McCain and his cronies have left a deep hole to dig out of. Can't fault Obama for asking for a huge shovel.
it's called being realistic.

change takes time.

i mean, look at it this way. 8 years have changed us a good bit, eh?

and it's going to take at least 4 years to move us back in the right direction.

and palin's the only one that's buying useless bridges, buddy.
What that bridge in Alaska that a Republican decided on?

So not only did Republicans vote in Bush, but you guys are sore losers as well. At least McCain's speech was decent.

You lost. Just suck it up, and give the man a chance!
Anybody with a brain knows that its going to take more than one term to clean up all of Bush's crap and for him to keep his promises. He's being realistic. Just be happy that this country has finally done something right.
Oh Babby.. A Change We DID!!!










































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How is he back sliding? He never gave a specific time frame in which to get our economy back in good standing. Do you realize how MUCH damage has been done by the previous administration and how much work and time that will take to repair?
He is being realistic. He knows everybody wants everything right now and they want it their way. Well it is not going to happen overnight. It took a few years to get like this.
I think republicans need to stop being sore losers... the election was won by a huge margin fair and square...

unlike the narrow republican victories we have faced... well one narrow victory and another one attributed to cheating...
During his ENTIRE campaign he said it would take a long time to turn the country around. He never said he'll do it in 1 term.

He's simply laying the groundwork for future presidents.
i was never for obama..i knew right from the start he wouldnt be able to deliver all he said...not without taxing us more.

america does need change.

but obama isnt the man to do it.
I need a new bridge, ha ah ah you McCain lovers are all the same, cheer up, youve had 8 good years now time to step aside, BTW what color is the bridge, I need it in white.
Oh get over it and move on. 2008 is done, Obama will be president, and you need to start thinking about 2012 for the sake of your own mental health.
Why don't you just keep you're negative thoughts to yourself...nobody cares about what you've got to say. Do you not understand the mess that is to be cleaned up after? Obviously not!
When did he ever say he could fix everything in one term?

America just voted Obama into office. If you don't like America maybe you should leave?
Would that be the bridge to Nowhere ?

You really need a girlfriend !

Patriot is really a Hate-Triot !
He is right! Bush's have left an almost pauper economy. He has to work hard to bring back back sanity to the economic system in US. Stand by him.
That's not backsliding. That's called common sense. We all knew that he could not accomplish everything, much less right away.
lol because every good president in history never, ever changed his stance. especially not bush. obviously we are all doomed.
Well, it would be foolish to assume that ANYONE could undo the Bush administration in one term.
Oh yeah cus you know mccain just just make every one of his promises happen in that instant right?

He's won.. get a life or move.
Aren't you glad impeachment is possible? Oh wait...he may just overturn that too!
na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye

let the good times roll

sore losers say bye to misery we're no longer its company

Obama 08 :-P

can you smell the change the winds have turned

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