Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is McCain's ';telling it like it is'; about Obama's campaign rhetoric & expensive promises, while untested, wise?

John McCain is now calling out Obama on many of Obama's questionably feasible plans and campaign rhetoric and presidential posturing. Is it seen as being direct and telling it like it is? And if the shoe fits, then it's negative? Will it help get McCain's message out?Is McCain's ';telling it like it is'; about Obama's campaign rhetoric %26amp; expensive promises, while untested, wise?
McCain is telling it like it is, exactly. You can tell he doesn't really like to, but unfortunately Obama's vague and vacillating talk is hoodwinking many. It isn't just McCain but since Obama's so full of partial truths and outright cover ups, McCain has to not only call him out on the dishonesty but call a duck a duck. McCain has also clearly laid out his own plans, specifically, time after time, and on his website.

Actually it's Obama who spends most of his time criticizing the other guy --- only he's built his campaign on criticize George Bush and he's not even running! Obama's best criticism of McCain's excellent abilities, record, and plan is to try to tie him to Bush which is increasingly clear to not be true.

Obama has no room to talk. He's a phoney and a documented


This country needs McCain-Palin who will change Washington that everyone detects and know how to reform because they've done it before, not just talked about it like Obama always does with nothing to show that he's ever reformed or actually changed.Is McCain's ';telling it like it is'; about Obama's campaign rhetoric %26amp; expensive promises, while untested, wise?
Actually CNN said that McCain's description of Obama's tax plan is true. Imagine that, CNN actually admitting McCain is telling the truth.
I wish McCain would talk about his own policies and plans half as much as he does Obama's...

McCain isn't running FOR McCain, he is running AGAINST a democrat.

Repubs are a strage bunch lately.
Once again, his problem is he hasn't explained his plan. do you know what it is? I don't. He's against Obama's plan. Yeah, we know that, what does he have to offer? Specifically?
Mccain is about done. Someone stick a fork in him.

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