Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What do you think of the Battle Cry campaign?

The Battle Cry Campaign is an organizing initiative of a parachurch organization known as Teen Mania Ministries. This initiative, started in 2005 and headed by Teen Mania founder Ron Luce, has an evangelical Christian orientation; it primarily seeks to influence American and Canadian social and political culture. Major backers include prominent evangelical leaders Joyce Meyer, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, and Jack Hayford.

Other supporters. include: Senator Sam Brownback, Senator Rick Santorum, Sean Hannity, Gary Bauer, American Family Association, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Family Research Council and the Traditional Values Coalition.

I did not see their position on the war in Iraq, american militarism, campaign contributions, lobbysts, poverty in america, homelessness and other Christian issues.What do you think of the Battle Cry campaign?
They are part of the totalitarian Dominionist attempt to destroy America. They are worse than the Taliban, and dressed up in Fake ';Christianity'; most Americans cannot recognize the threat the way they do with Islamists, who are similar in every way but the book they choose to pervert.

All the revolutionary Liberal Ideals that Jesus Himself espoused, like doing unto others as you would have them do to you, etc., is like poison to these people. They would kill anyone not like them, and unleash the worst mass murder in History if they came to full power.

This Battle Cry Campaign is just one front in what they frame as a culture war, but if most people really knew what these folk were actually talking about, they would be vigorously fighting on the other side.

This essay some years back outlines the real agenda of these folks.鈥?/a>What do you think of the Battle Cry campaign?
They are against pornography, overt sexuality, homosexuality, illicit drugs, Pre-marital sex,and they are pro Christianity symbols and forms. They are for Christian prayers in schools, the military, and government agencies.

They do not believe in a strict separation of church and state and are against teaching evolution in science classes. They are in favor of teaching creationism as science.

The Christian principles of charity and humility do not seem to be a part of their main principles.

The crowd of supporters you mentioned reminds me of a saying ';tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are';. (or something similar, please someone correct me!)

Yes, that is the same crowd that support the military invasion and occupation of Iraq. They seem to hate sex but love to kill those who oppose American imperialism..
I watched God's warriors on Cnn and what it seems like to me is that Ron Luce is your modern day Hitler. I am all for bible studies, youth group, but to put kids out on the streets to protest grown adults and things they more than likely don't completely understand is ridiculous.
you don't tell us their agenda but sounds like christofacists, probably want war and hate on gays
Supported by the lunatics you listed? I think a tactical nuclear weapon is called for.
it truly makes me sick that these people are willing to poison 12-15 year olds with that garbage.

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