Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is THIS how Hillary is getting so much money for her campaign?

Report: Hillary Clinton Big Money Donor Wanted for Grand Theft

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton

A Democratic fundraiser who has raised $1 million for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says he has done nothing wrong and has asked no favors in return, but Norman Hsu didn't mention that he's a wanted man.

A California prosecutor says Hsu pleaded no contest to grand theft, was sentenced to three years in prison and then disappeared, The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.,2933,2950鈥?/a>


It first ran in the LA Crimes, libs, so don't bother moaning about the Fox link.Is THIS how Hillary is getting so much money for her campaign?
I seem to recall that there were some questions about Bill's ties to Chinese money when he was prez. Obviously, if they are accepting money channeled from the Chinese Gov't they are not looking out for the best interests of this country. I wonder how much coverage the networks will give this story.Is THIS how Hillary is getting so much money for her campaign?
Hillary Clinton along with Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Dodd, Biden, Kucinich, Guiliani, Romney, F. Thompson, McCain, Huckabee, Brownback, Tancredo, and Hunter are nothing more than puppets for the owners of the Federal Reserve. The owners don't care who you vote for, Democrat or Republican, unless it's Ron Paul.
This should surprise no one. The leading candidates in both parties often cozy up with crooks. That's why we need to vote for independnet candidiates.

Guess who the biggest campaign contributor to the Bush campaign was? Ken Lay, the (late) crooked head of Enron. Was that any better? He screwed thousands of people out of their life savings.
Yeah. It stinks.

But I doubt that any other politicians haven't done the same. Plus, no one (Conservative or liberal) checks out peoples criminal records....sadly, they would all be out of tons of money if they did.

I read that he didn't do actual fundraisers, was private money from him and all his family. At least that is what it said in the Seattle Times in a story put out by the Associated Press.

It is sad that politicians on both sides have come to this.
I'd be interested in exactly what you think is going to happen with this. Do you think Sen. Clinton called this guy up and advised him on how to bundle his donations? IF wrong doing is proved Sen. Clinton's campaign will return the money, that's simple enough. His grand theft sentence has nothing to do with campaign donations. Please, point out how this is going to do any damage to Clinton's campaign. There's nothing to charge her with, she didn't make donations to herself. If someone can prove she knew he was making donations in an improper manner then why haven't they come forward? When they do we can think about it affecting her campaign and not before. Wow, I never fail to be amazed at the lengths Hillary Haters will go to in order to smear her. It must be a full time job for some of you.
This was exposed first by the Wall Street Journal. So it's not just FOX.
I'm sure she is.

Those contributors were just wasting their money.
you act like a politician taking money from crooks is a new thing

I don't get it,

why would you expect a political power princess to not do what the princes of political power do???

you see we as a country are under the misconception that politicians are supposed to be better than us,

In that if a guy with a bag of money walked up to you and handed it to you saying take this and do good with it, you wouldn't stop and say hey, where did this money come from, or what does your back ground look like,do you have any warrants, are you a felon ???

you would take the money and do what you could weather it was for you personally or others, you would take the money, so why are politicians supposed to be any different than you ???
He's looking for one of those famous Clinton pardons,he'll stay hid until he gets one.
He's in China now, along with most of the Clinton's other big money contributors
also bill makes about 鈧?0,000 per personal experience- nice work if you can get it!
Funny how Faux News can't even get a decent pic of Hillary. She looks like Satan or something in that pic. As for the question, so what? How is she suppose to know what every one who contributes to her campaign is doing in their spare time?

Hey, just keep tapping your toes in the men's room and wait for Bush's numbers to go up. Wait for those WMD's to appear, wait for Alberto to stop committing perjury, wait for the warrant-less wiretaps and torturing to end, wait for (ad infinitum).
i have no idea

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