Monday, February 8, 2010

If Obama had said from the beginning of his campaign that he was muslim, do you think he would have won?

There's hate %26amp; discrimination toward muslims as well as black people %26amp; asian people etc.. do you think would the same rules have applied?

The whole not being ignorant thing..If Obama had said from the beginning of his campaign that he was muslim, do you think he would have won?
You know what? I'm not quite sure. I think that it is possible that he could have won. I am not someone who voted for Obama, but if he still spoke the way he did and what not, I'm sure he still couldve won.If Obama had said from the beginning of his campaign that he was muslim, do you think he would have won?
I don't believe that he would have won. There have been very few presidents that did not profess to be Protestant Christians. John F Kennedy was the only Catholic president that we've ever had. People identify with politicians that share their spiritual beliefs. Throw on top of that the fear of terrorists and Muslims that might be terrorists, then, I think, no way. It wouldn't matter how loud the Germans cheered him on when he visited, I don't think that he would have even made it past the primaries.
No. He wouldn't have won. Some of it would have been discrimination and the other reason would be that ultra religious people don't get voted in as a rule. The Republicans worried about Romney being a Mormon. People worry they'll legislate their own morality. I would find this especially scarey in the case of a devout Muslim as I don't want to cover my head.

By the way it doesn't mean you're not ignorant just because you vote for a person that is not Christian or White. You vote for a person not a race.
Of course not - the majority of Americans say they would not vote for someone who isn't a Christian. He would probably have better chances saying he were an atheist than a Muslim, but too many ignorant Americans are blinded by their belief in a mythological book to take anyone who doesn't believe what they believe seriously.
I think most people would have been OK with it. Most who wouldn't have would probably vote Republican anyway. That leaves those who were on the edge. My intuition says no, but I have no hard figures to back it up. This is something that really needs to be answered with a poll.
Why do you keep this up? He said he wasn't. Nobody has any proof that he was. Nobody can know if he would have been elected either.

It's just a ludicrous question and keeps on and on.

The subject is really old and boring.
'; theres hate and discrimination towards muslims';

I know.

Just ask the muslim women that were forced to move out of camera view at Obamas rallies
No, he definitely wouldn't have won. Look at the stir created by the Muslim congressman when he was sworn in (he didn't use a bible).
I'm not sure, but the anti-Muslim people probably would not have voted for him Muslim or not and might still think he is Islamic.
Yeah, such hate and discrimination that a Black man was elected.
I did not vote for him and yes he would not have been elected if he came out of the closet.
no he would have not won to many people would not vote for a Muslim president
I don't think he woud have been elected if he were a Muslim.
I doubt it. Romney should have done much better. I'm sure his Mormon religion held him back.

Many Christians can be very unchristian with regard to other religious beliefs.
Probably not, but since he did ';win';, I don't see why he won't admit it now.

and any who say he would should be shot

Everyone hates terrorists... Ehh.., I mean..,

everyone hates muslims... Especially after September 11...

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